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Chapter 14

~Peeta POV~

Kat and I walk back over to Finn, who's giggling and entertaining himself with his feet. I see Kat make a weird face at this out of the corner of my eye and I just laugh at both of them. I kneel down in front of him and smile, he giggles at me.

"Hey buddy, you wanna do something more than play with than your feet?" I chuckle. He just giggles and opens his arms to me.

"Uncie!" He squeals. I chuckle as my heart melts and I scoop him up.

"Am I more interesting than toys?" I tease. I see Katniss, standing to the side, like she's afraid to get involved. The shy girl I knew when we were little, yet still strong and stubborn. I smile and turn to her. "Here we go, let's go see Auntie Kat while I go get you some toys."

I see the sudden bewilderment as I hand her Finn who giggles and pats her cheeks.

"I'll be back," I tell her, going to the foyer to get his toys. I watch from where she can't see me.

She smiles shyly at Finn, sitting on the couch with her back to me.

"Hey Finny," she says softly, tickling his stomach with her fingers. He screeches with laughter, making both Kat and I smile.

"Hi!" He giggles, pressing his forehead to her own. She smiles and presses a peck to his chin, making him giggle and squirm. I smile softly and sit down in a chair, holding my chin in my hand.

I'd be lying if I said I've never thought of Kat and I as parents. And I'd be lying if I said I have never brought it up with her. But she's scared of children or something. Maybe she's just not the motherly type. She never will tell me why she won't have them, she just shrugs it off and changes the subject quickly. When I bring it up again, she just finds a crafty way to worm out of telling me.

I sigh and squeeze the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

I love Katniss to death but I swear she'll be the death of me. She's so stubborn she won't stay on that topic for three more minutes.

I sigh and walk back out as quietly as I can with the toy bag in my hands. I kneel behind her and Finn just gives me a friendly smile then goes back to playing with Kat's hair.

"You're a good little boy, aren't you." She says softly and thoughtfully. I smile softly.

"What about me?" I say, right behind her head by now. She screams, almost throwing Finn as she nearly punches me in the nose if I didn't leap backwards. I burst out laughing at her and she just scowls hard at me, arms crossed over her ribs defensively. "Aww, don't be mad at me," I chuckle, approaching her. She glares but doesn't back up, letting me stand toe to toe with her.

"Bitch." She spits in my face. I try my hardest not to smile at her.

"Aw, you know you love me." I tease. She rolls her eyes.

"You're lucky I love you or I'd kill you." She mumbles, wrapping her arms around my middle. I smile an hug her back.

"So you forgive me?" I say.

"I think cheese buns might help your chances on that." She says and I feel her smiling against my chest. I laugh at her and kiss her head.

"Then cheese buns you'll get." I chuckle. She smiles cheekily up at me.
"You're already more than halfway redeemed." She says happily. I scoff and roll my eyes, but smiling at her as I let her go. She can be a real beggar at times, acting like she's mad just to get cheese buns.

Finn gives a tiny gasp an runs over to his toy bag, pulling out his toys.

"Dis my boat!" He squeals
excitedly, running back over to me with the boat I usually see him playing with. I kneel to his level an take the boat when he hands me it.

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