Chapter 6: The Bachelor Party

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I grabbed the last two slices of the cold pizza we had from the other day when we fucked each other half to death, you complained the whole morning about being sore but still wanted more when we showered and who was I to deny you even though my own body was a bit stiff. We did the business and I went to work my nightshift later on while you studied.

I got home around 5 on Wednesday morning, it was my turn to lock up. I was tired and decided to skip the shower and sleep on the couch instead so I wouldn't wake you by coming to bed. I set my alarm to wake me two hours later because I had a long day ahead of me.
With our anniversary around the corner, I was caught between hiding my plans from you and running around trying to find a place that wasn't too heavy on my pockets so I could make it a night to remember. Like I said, growing up I didn't have much but I've always been pretty good at budgeting, I didn't earn nearly enough but I found a way to save up extra money by working double shifts in the morning and in the evening, thank God my boss is so understanding, it was exhausting but the end justified the means.

I wanted to spoil you a bit. You had a few days before your last exam so I wanted to make date night extra special. You needed the rest anyway, you can't keep studying without taking a break, you push yourself too much and we always argue about that. I admire your drive, your dedication and your ability to keep a level head when anyone else would buckle under the pressure.
You're my polar opposite, I panic when I'm cornered and I struggle to keep my head above water but you balance it out and I envy you for that. Women just have amazing powers of keeping everything together while the rest of world is experiencing pandemonium. I need someone like you in my life and our kids will be lucky to have you as a mother, the adhesive that holds the entire family together, the pillar of strength for both the strong and the weak respectively.

There was a bachelor party last night at work so the tips were pretty good. I'm not much of a party person but it was a turn up and a half, the 28 year old groom-to-be was sloshed so the booze made him a bit loquacious, he kept telling me how amazing his bride-to-be was whenever he came to order drinks. We briefly discussed sports, sports cars and marrying young, I love how honest drunk people are. He told me how terrified he was but if he wasn't marrying her he wouldn't know what to do with his life and that made me realise that I was also travelling on a similar path and it's always refreshing to meet a guy who isn't subdued by the poisonous stereotype of "fucking bitches until you find the one when you're 35+".

Our elders are old fashioned and they still adhere to old doctrines and most believe getting married while young is a recipe for disaster. This conversation always made for thought provoking and somewhat scintillating conversation since I disagree vehemently with this ideology because age has nothing to do with maturity, if it was indeed a determining factor in how long marriages actually last we wouldn't have divorce, adults would never break up, premised on the fact that they are adults, right? This just goes to show that people still don't understand that relationships work because people want them to work, nothing more and nothing less.

It's all about how serious you are about your partner and how much you want to be with them so you could be 22 or 48 and it wouldn't matter.
We have adults who are more childish than their own kids. With that being said, marrying young should be the new wave as long as you're both emotionally and financially ready, of course it's not for everyone but for those who wish to follow that path, don't be discouraged by other people's opinions. You shouldn't have your decisions questioned but respected and supported all the way, we live and learn anyway.

Also, most adults are only together because they're scared of change, they mistake tolerance for love and live with the hope that their (perhaps abusive) significant other will change even though 10 years have passed and they've endured the heartbreak and humiliation. What's even sadder is how this misguided loyalty is taught to their kids, especially girls because they grow up with the perception that a woman is supposed to endure everything, "all men cheat" I've heard them say; ridiculous really.

Anyway, I had an opportunity to take it all in and picture my own bachelor party some day, knowing my friends, they'd go overboard and hire 50 strippers, needless to say, you wouldn't be happy.

I soon dosed off. You woke up around 06:30 and my side of the bed was cold so you quickly reached for your phone and dialed my number but no answer, you redialled a few more times muttering "come on babe, answer, answer", getting even more worried each time it went to voicemail. You got up to get a glass of water and there I was, fast asleep on the couch. You were torn between hurling a pillow at me and hugging me but you smiled weakly, glad I was home safe. I'd definitely hear about that later on, for now you had to get ready for your facilitation.

You showered quickly and had some muesli and I woke up just as you were about to step out, "Baby" I called out in a dreamy haze, you turned around and punched me playfully on the arm, "ouch, what was that for?" I said, puzzled. "I was worried sick, why didn't you call me?" delivering another blow.
"I didn't want to wake you, I'm sorry babe". You thought about delivering a third one and I flinched but you kissed me instead, "I have to go now or I'll be late, I love you" and you left.
I dosed off again only to be rudely woken up by my alarm an hour later. I got up and took a shower, grabbed an apple then headed out around 11 with my toiletry bag and clothes for later on, I had arranged to prepare everything while at a friend's place then I had to pick up a gift at the jewellers. I had to run back into the apartment because I had forgotten the picnic basket full of stuff we'd need later.

The day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was already 17:00. You thought I was working today so you didn't suspect a single thing when you didn't find me at home later in the afternoon. I had asked Shakes, my fellow bartender, to cover for me today while I made preparations at his place. This was the build up to our anniversary, the Boyfriend Olympics were in full swing.

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