Chapter 13

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You know that momment in chapter 7 or 8 when Pasty was pissed off at Waren's herobrine costume? This is what happened off camera...

"Waren, you can just immediately tell them what's happening in the world!! They are living in a virtual world!! They don't need to worry abou-" Pasty was yelling at Waren for what he did.

They are at an ally way at the linch kindom at midnight. 

"Jen, you arnt your old self after what happened.."

"Waren.. It's just, he's suffering in my own universe. I have to be there for him. I don't want to loose him.."  Pasty shedded a tear

"Once this is over, you will get back. He will get better.." Waren explained.

"They may be living in a fictional world that is ending, but I know them, they will help. I should've realized who Pat is.." Waren looked down

"You should tell him Waren. You know......" Pasty explained

"What?" Waren tilted his head.

"I admitted that your warning is true.."


Previously from chapter 11...

We went back to the Allyway to find the person responsible for the shooting leaning on the wall.

"You guys need leads right? Let us help you"

We nod.


Pat's POV

We follow the person into a deeper Allyway. "should we trust him?" I whisper to Pasty. She just stay silent and nods.

"Call me Joe" the figure said.

We stayed silent

"Don't worry, my group is after the secret destroyer aswell." Joe explained.

"How did you kn-" Waren got cut off.

"I know you.....uh."

"Waren" Waren said.

Joe mumbled something and Waren scoffed, he must have heard him.

"We know that you came from the Future looking to find the secret destroyer." Joe explained.

We stopped by an Allyway.

"You guys are the infamous missing Princess Jennifer and Prince Pat?" Joe said.

"Yep" Waren said.

Joe nodded and turned to us. "We won't send you to your kingdoms. I see you are after the secret destroyer. But I really hope you come to your families after all of this is over.."

"And who's this?" Joe asked.

"Pasty, I'm just a girl following these three." Pasty smiled.

"Let me guess, you caught me searching with books right?" Waren explained.

"Well kinda.. Dr. George told us about you after his exprient on you."

"Later, may I tell you why he freed me?" Waren asked.

"Sure thing, now let's get going." Joe explained.


We made it...Kinda..

Joe preformed some magic on the ground to make a circle like object on the floor open.

We are at a far away field behind the linch kindom.

"Come in, there's a ladder." Joe smiled.

We went in and woah, it was fancy down here.

It was like an underground house with rooms everywhere.

"This is our group, the 'destructive-TnT'!!!" Joe clapped.

"Nice name" I complemented.

"Thank you, I'm going to take you all to our leader." Joe said

As we are making our way, Joe explained how the group's purpose is to project the linch kingdom in a secretive way, and how the group is friends with the infamous scientist Dr. George which was the man who had Waren for a short period of time, and a woman who serves as their doctor, named dr. Lilly.

We reached 2 big double doors and Joe, without hesitation, pushed it.

"Joe, you have arrived?" A deep voice came from the big room.

"Yes, I brought important visitors." Joe explained.

"Come in" Joe told us.

We came in to find..

Bommy (or bomby lol)

He was a giant mutent creeper!!

"Bommy.." Jen was shocked.

Pasty looked confused while Waren didn't... Weird.

Everyone is confused at our shocked faces except Waren.

Non of them don't know this world is fictional..Right?

"Have you heard of us?" Bommy spoke.

"When we were young we made an imaginary creeper that looks like you" I explained.

Bommy chuckeled

then he realized.

"You are Pat and Jen?" He ask.

Waren nods.

"They are returning to their families after this secret destroyer problem." Pasty continued.

"That's great. Now, explain everything.."


Joe explained who we are and what we're doing

Bommy agreed to help us find the secret destroyer.

We had dinner and we spent the night here.


"NOOOO!!!" We heard bommy's voice and we shot up from our beds.

"Leader, please don't blow up, they're just injured."

" what's going on??" Pasty asked,  she shot up from her room as well.

Waren watched the whole scene.

"The group members went to the area of the secret destroyer and.....They nearly killed them..We arnt powerful enough.."

Bommy is on the verge to blow up. Since he's a creeper..


"Don't worry. It will be solved.." Jen calmed him down.


"I'm sending my strongest members Once they are healed by Dr. Lilly." Bommy tried to make another attempt.

"You could send us, we are after the secret destroyer aswell-" Waren tried to reason with Bommy.

"No, I can't risk you guys.. Go home.." Bommy suddenly said.

"Train us.. Train us to become stronger so we can go with you guys." Pasty explained.

"You don't understand. Pat and Jen must be sent to their families and you are just a little girl and Ware-" Bommy gets cut off.

"Mr, you have just underestimated us."

It doesn't work like that ((EDITING))- {PopularMMOS Gaming WithJen}Where stories live. Discover now