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ijbn101 hey

defbum hi

ijbn101 how are you doing baby?

defbum why do you call me that? we aren't even together.

ijbn101 so? i can call you what i want. and i know you like it.

defbum ....
i'm good! and how are you?

ijbn101 that's what i thought. and i am great now that you're actually being nice to me

defbum ugh hyung i'm sorry for being mean to you..
i was really upset about jae chan being fake and i literally had no idea i could be talking to you. i didn't mean anything i said.
well, the mean stuff....

ijbn101 it's okay, youngjae. i completely understand.

defbum okay..

ijbn101 what are you doing?

defbum i'm just laying in bed.. you?

ijbn101 are you clothed?

defbum uh....

i meant i'm in bed too

defbum okay..

ijbn101 hey are you okay? you've been acting strange.

defbum yeah i'm fine. it's just that my sister found out i'm gay.

ijbn101 oh. how'd she take it?

defbum she took it well.. she's not 100% supportive of it but she said she still loves me the same and that she'll be okay with me having my boyfriend over if i ever had one and stuff... it doesn't really make sense but i'm going with it anyways.

ijbn101 ah i'm so sorry babe. i wish she fully supported you.

defbum it's not really that big of a deal. it doesn't affect me. it's none of her business if i suck dick or not lol

ijbn101 omg
can i have your number? i wanna b able to call you

defbum skype? i don't want to give out my number because i only use it for family because my uncle likes to go through my messages... so do you have skype?

ijbn101 wait- uncle?

defbum yeah. my moms brother. he's crazy but he takes care of me so i have to love him.

ijbn101 what happened to your parents?

defbum um

ijbn101 shit i'm sorry i shouldn't have asked

defbum no it's okay. you should know. so when i was 12 i realized i was gay. i told my mom at age 13 and she killed herself because of it. she said she didn't want a disappointment of a son and she wanted me to grow up and have biological children so all of her children can have grandkids of their own and make the family tree grow larger. she said she didn't love me anymore and she didn't want to have to see my face everyday. my father was supportive though, and wouldn't let me leave the house when she tried to kick me out. after she died, he was sent to prison because he was blamed for her suicide. she was fucking crazy and wanted me to die. her brother is just as crazy, but he's sweeter than her.

ijbn101 fuck youngjae
i'm so sorry that happened to you
that's so unfortunate. i'm really sorry.

defbum ahhhh please don't be sorry. it took me a while to get over it and recover and get out of my depression starting but my siblings and uncle helped a lot so i'm feeling a lot better!!

ijbn101 ah that's good then that you're okay now.

defbum what about you? what are your parents like?

ijbn101 mine? well they're pretty cool, i guess. they've been supportive of me being gay and doing music and stuff. they've helped me a lot with learning how to song-write and stuff since my dad used to write songs a lot but never actually made them into songs..

defbum they sound like amazing people.

ijbn101 yeah. their humor is so cheesy it's grOSS lol

defbum haha i'm glad they're good to you.

ijbn101 i'm sorry.. should i not have talked about them?

defbum what? no! it's fine! if i didn't want to know i wouldn't have asked about them.

ijbn101 okay. just know that i love you okay? i'll treat you so much better than your mom ever has or would have.

defbum i love you too jaebum. but that's obvious haha

ijbn101 shit i gotta go my manager is calling for me. i'll text you as soon as i can. bye baby boy❤️

defbum okay bye :)


i love youngjae 😁💖

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