Chapter One >.<

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Hi, welcome to my new story! I was seriously bored of just reading, and it has been a couple of years since I posted anything, and I finally got the motivation to do it! My character's, Mia, looks are based off of Miss Dominican Republic 2013 Yaritza Reyes, who I do not own btw! Anyway, read on!

Hi, welcome to my new story! I was seriously bored of just reading, and it has been a couple of years since I posted anything, and I finally got the motivation to do it! My character's, Mia, looks are based off of Miss Dominican Republic 2013 Yari...

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"Did you guys hear that there is a new family in town?" Jessica squealed as she sat down beside a young girl with wild curly hair who merely flipped a page in her book. The half Asian girl with glasses slowly sat across from the volleyball captain with a small smile on her lips as she pushed up her glasses.

"Yeah, I heard from Lauren this morning. What do you think about this, Mia?" Angela turned her attention to the rather short girl who still had her nose buried in her novel, but when she heard her name, she glanced up.

Hypnotic cyan and orange eyes stared at her best friend for a second before going back to her novel, shrugging her shoulders. "That's cool and all, but I could honestly care less about this new family, unless they're murders or something."

Jessica rolled her eyes playfully and giggled a little as the rest of their friends came to sit at the table with their lunches. "That would be awesome gossip, actually," she glanced at Mike, who was busy stuffing his face with the lunch lady's special gumbo, and wrinkled her nose slightly. "I wonder what they look like, how many are there, and if they'll attend here," the brunette listed as she fiddled with the red apple on her tray, but not bothering to eat it due to the fact she was on a diet.

Mia finally closed her book after dog earring it and glanced at the turkey sandwich on her tray. "Of course, if they're your ages, then they would have no other choice, but to attend here. The other schools are in Port Angeles," she comments nonchalantly as she picked up her sandwich and took a bite out of it and chewed.

The blond boy on her other side glanced at the darker skinned girl and gave her a silly grin, which she acknowledged from the corner of her eye. "I keep forgetting that you're older than all of us. You should have graduated this week year," he teased and laughed with Tyler, while Eric shook his head rapidly.

"And you also keep forgetting that I was in a car accident, and was in a coma, Mike," Mia retorted, smirking slightly when the blonde boy winced harshly. "I believe that was your fault that I crashed into the tree. You remember, right? How you jumped out in the road and started dancing without checking to see if any cars were coming?"

"Eric dared me to! And I wouldn't have done it if your car wasn't so silent!" He cried indigently, standing up and pointed at the sheepish Asian boy that sat next to Angela.

"Don't go pointing fingers, bro," Eric chuckled and raised his hands up in mock surrender as Mia casted him a sharp glare before returning to her food, only to see that the half of her sandwich was gone from her tray. Narrowing her eyes, she glanced up to only see her cousin, Tyler, stuffing his face with the rest of her sandwich and stared at her with wide eyes.

"Might want to get your epi-pen, cousin, because that had mayo on it," the curly haired girl mentioned and stood from her seat, going to dump her tray. She heard a shriek and coughing, and laughed slightly as she left the lunch room.

"Mia!" Tyler screeched as he moved to chase her, but both Mike and Eric held him down, laughing. Jeez, it's like he couldn't take a harmless joke, Mia thought with a tiny shrug. All of her things were in her locker near the administration office, and she always left the lunch room before the bell rang, so she could make it to her next class that was on the opposite side of the building. Finding her locker quickly, she twisted the dial and unlocked her locker, gathering the rest of her things which included her jacket stuffed into her book bag, a novel the class was reading for English Lit, her art supplies in a case, and her gym clothes stuffed into another bag. Putting her bookbag on both shoulders, she had her art supply case in her left hand, and her gym clothes in her right. Closing the locker silently, she started walking back in the direction of the lunchroom, passing the administration office, she was thrown off balance by something really hard and cold.

Yelping, she flailed helplessly before a really cold hand grasped her flailing left arm gently, and steadied her. Snapping her head to the left (and up), she was greeted by a massive boy with dark hair and pretty gold eyes, followed by two boys and two girls. She immediately noticed they all had the same golden eyes, though they varied in shade, and that she never seen these people in all of her seventeen years.

"Sorry 'bout that, I seriously didn't see you there," the bear sized one blurted out, making Mia flinch at the loud sound that echoed in the eerily silent halls. The tall blonde girl that flanked the massive boy lifted her hand and sharply smacked him in the back of his head, causing him to wince pathetically like a kicked puppy.

"Idiot, you could have hurt her!" she hissed through her teeth, glancing at Mia with an apologetic look.

The extremely shorter girl merely shrugged her shoulders, holding back a wince at her probably bruised arm. "It's okay, didn't think anyone would be in the halls at the moment. Anyways, you must be the new kids that just moved here," she commented nonchalantly and watched in interest as the tall lanky boy with bronze hair stiffen lightly and hide slightly behind the rest of his assumed siblings, away from Mia's wondering gaze.

The other girl, though shorter than the first, skipped up to her with a wide smile on her pale face. "Yup, that's us! I'm Alice Cullen, and these are my siblings," she gestured toward the lanky bronze haired boy and the mountain that crashed into her in the first place. "Emmett is the one that crashed into you, and the one hiding from you is Edward," she laughed, a light tinkling sound that almost hypnotized Mia before she furrowed her brows slightly. Edward hissed something at Alice, but Mia couldn't hear it. It was like he was talking to fast and too low for Mia to even to understand it despite having extremely good hearing. Whatever he said to the pixie-like girl, Alice didn't even flinch or acknowledge the fact he said something to her. It was comedic. "And the other girl is Rosalie Hale, and her twin brother, my boyfriend, Jasper!" she finished and bounced lightly in excitement.

Mia couldn't help the fact that her plump lips stretched into a slight smile as she introduced herself to the new students. "I'm Mia Jimenez. Welcome to the State of gloominess!"

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