Chapter Two

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Alice immediately took a liking to the small human in front of her. It was like taking a breath of fresh around that wasn't tainted by the smell of blood coming from the various students that goes to the school they enrolled in. The funny thing about this encounter was that she didn't see it happening. While Alice doesn't like to be surprised, it was actually pleasant not having continuous visions and make her stick out like a sore thumb around the humans. Having vampiric beauty and grace was already enough to point out to everyone how different they were.

The small girl's skin reminded Alice of caramel and she smelled like a bakery, something that she loved when she was human, or so she thinks. She really couldn't recall her human life, but with this girl's scent, it came clearly like a vision. Her siblings felt really relaxed around her, and it wasn't because of Jasper's powers. Alice assumed that he was relaxed around her as well since her scent, although mouth-watering, it didn't cause them to go into blood-lust. In fact, it seemed that the scent held it at bay.

Rosalie was conflicted about her feelings about the fragile girl in front of her. While she doesn't like interacting with humans, there was something different about female. She wants her to stay away from the family for both their safety and hers, but she wants to stay in their lives for eternity as well. It wasn't a feeling of a soul mate, but something close to it; a bond mate.

"State of gloominess?" Rosalie smirked in amusement, looking down at the human girl. Mia nodded, causing her dark, curly hair to bounce.

"It never has sun shine, which I don't mind, but gawd!" she huffed and shuffled the items in her arms. "Anyway, did you guys need any help finding classes or lockers?" she questions, looking at them with large, pretty eyes.

Jasper was the newest to the vegetarian diet, meaning that he slipped up more than his other siblings. When Emmett ran into her, he immediately started to hold his breath, not wanting to mess up on their first day to a new town. The emotions that he felt from the girl was a bit strange. It was like she was sending out mix signals that he couldn't departure. He felt frustrated, but it had a numbing effect that he liked; only he could feel his own emotions and if he focused hard enough, he could feel the others. Surprised at the new discovery, he sucked in a breath on accident and tensed up, thinking that he would descend to blood-lust, but was once again surprised that nothing happened. Sure, the girl's blood smelled pleasant, but it didn't make him want to drain her dry. Her scent reminded of him of when his human mother baked sweets on a Saturday morning before he left to join the army. Feeling completely at ease, he decides that he could be himself without casing harm.

Jasper stepped up, stopping behind Alice with a crooked, charming smile. "That would be spectacular, actually," he chuckled as he rubbed his hand up and down his mate's arm. "I'm a Freshmen along with Alice and Edward."

"Emmett and I are Juniors," Rosalie offered, her smirk turning into a smile. She really couldn't help herself around the human. While she loved Emmett with all her heart and makes her long-life worth living, the girl before them shed some light in their dark lives. It was so radiant.

Emmett was excited; a human girl that his mate actually seemed to like? That's never happened before. Mia's personality was something he liked so far and he briefly wondered if the girl liked sports or video games. The bear-loving vampire could already tell that this girl was going to become a part of their life, and he couldn't wait to bond with the tiny girl.

"I'm a Junior, as well," she perked up at having new friends this year. While she loved her other friends, things tend to get old, and no amount of reading can change that unfortunately. "I can show you guys on the map where your classes are though," Mia directed to the freshmen, who nodded gratefully, though they already glanced at the map and memorized it after a couple of seconds.

When Mia took a step closer to Edward, who had the map clenched in his fist, he immediately took a couple steps back, making the human glance at his questioningly. Mia felt offended and retreated as well, almost glaring at the tall, pale boy with wild hair. "Are you a germ-o-phoebe or something?" she nearly hissed, causing the rest of the Cullen/Hale family to glare at Edward.

Edward didn't know what to think. All of the thoughts of his siblings caused him great confusion. When he first glanced at her, he knew that he was wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even know it. Yet, his mind supplied. The next thing that hit him was her scent; it was amazing. While the need to drain her dry was still there, it was easily pushed to the back of his mind. All he could think was that he had finally found his soul mate and how beautiful she is. Of course, he noticed that she was below average for the height of females, but that made her even more cute. Her skin reminded his of caramel, and contrasted against her long curly hair beautifully. Mia's body shape made lust rear its head, before he smothered that quickly, hoping Jasper didn't feel that. It's just; the things he would do to her, he thought with a quiet, frustrated sigh. The girl's eyes were probably his most favorite thing about her. He has never seen such colors on a person before and her skin tone made them pop, especially with her dark lashes. Before he could think of more things, Alice's voice inside his head interrupted his thoughts and he looked towards her with a slightly frustrated face.

"Don't mess this up, Edward!" Alice hissed mentally to her 'brother'. Jasper stared at his 'younger' sibling in concern as the telepathic boy's emotions suffocated him. Lust, happiness, hunger, rage, and longing was swarming around him.

Realization dawned on the empath, his gaze snapping toward Edward quickly. "She's your mate," he whispered in his mind in awe. The mind reader glared over at him and the message was clear; 'do not say anything'.

"I'm sorry, it's habit. I tend to stay away from others," he apologizes sincerely, not wanting to upset his soul mate.

Mia shrugged, trying to play it off and adjusted her grip on her art supplies. "I shouldn't have been too forward. May I see the map?" she asked politely, setting her gym bag on the ground and opened her case of art supplies, taking out a blue highlighter.

Rosalie hissed at him angrily," Give it to her, you prick! What's your problem?" It was once again spoken too fast and low for Mia to hear, but she was quickly learning to ignore it. Edward almost robotically walked towards the human with his breath stuck in his throat as it burned, and offered her the wrinkled map of the school that the overly nice lady from the office gave to him.

"I'll explain later," he murmured to his family. Mia heard him and gave him a strange look, which he returned with a strained smile though it looked more like a pained grimace. The short girl once again ignored it and took the map, her fingers brushing against his long and extremely cold fingers. A spark traveled up her arm and towards her heart, though it was painful. Warmth filled her as her unique eyes connected with topaz eyes, and it was like everything faded away and it was only them. Mia could envision Edward and her together, creating a family, but strangely never growing old together.

Jerkingher hand back, she stared at the stunned boy in horror. A single word tumbledout of her lips without her thinking. "Vampire."     

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