Chapter Ten

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{A/N: Super short chapter}

{A/N: Super short chapter}

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Alice smiled when her brother walked in the classroom right when the bell rung. Jasper sat on her left, and there was a vacant seat to her right for Edward, which he took immediately as the teacher began roll call.

Jasper glanced over at his brother and stared at him curiously as he felt his sexual frustration. "You okay there, Edward?" the boy merely glanced his way before glancing down at the paper before him and began writing notes as the teacher began talking. Alice watched him from the corner of her eyes as he did so, and tried to speak to him through her thoughts, but he didn't respond, meaning that he was purposely blocking her out.

Seating back in her chair, she listened to the teacher speak, but didn't bother to write anything down as she tried to search the future of her sister-in-law. Furrowing her brows when she found nothing, she began looking for Edward's. It had better results, but it was too vague for her tastes since he didn't make a decision yet.

"Edward?" she tried. Topaz colored eyes glanced at her quickly before darting back down to the paper. She took that as her cue to continue. "Did something happen with Mia?" Alice asked as she kept her eyes on the teacher who droned on and on about history.

Edward shook his head slightly and murmured softly. "No, just teenage problems," he admitted with a grim smile. Jasper quickly put two and two together and smirked lightly.

"Welcome to the club," the blond said lowly.

Alice merely rolled her eyes as she exhaled softly. Suddenly, she stiffened as a vision bombarded her, causing Jasper and Edward to look at her in concern. It was dark, but she could make out a figure standing in a room that looked like Edward's, but it had a bed. The figure turned and she saw that it was Mia looking confused. Then Edward showed up without a shirt and his jeans riding low on his hips. His lips moved, but the pixie-like vampire didn't hear any words, and then the male vampire pushed her on the bed face first. Edward gripped her ankles and flipped her over smoothly before crawling on top of her, his intentions clear as day. The vision was suddenly cut off and Alice furrowed her brows in confusion before looking at a mortified Edward.

"What the hell was that, Edward? What did you decide on?" She questioned him in his mind, not wanting to cause a scene. Jasper huffed a bit before using his powers to calm the other two vampires down before paying attention to the history lesson. Edward gazed at her, not really focusing on her as his mind searched for the reason for the vision.

His eyes widened once he realized. "At lunch," he diverted once the bell rang, signaling the end of class. They had one class left before lunch, so Alice would have to wait another hour before getting an answer for her questions.


The trio of freshmen vampires dodged the humans as they made their way to the lunch room. Alice pranced her way through the crowd, spotting a table near the large windows that no one dared to sit because of the cold seeping through the glass. Jasper got two lunches for himself and his mate and paying for it before going to the table. Edward was getting a lunch as well and paid for it before shuffling his way gracefully to the table that his sister picked. It was apart from the rest of the humans, and it was perfect.

Sitting next to Jasper, he stared at the double doors as he waited for his mate and the other two vampires from his coven; they didn't make him wait long. Emmett bursts through the door, startling the humans, and lead Rose and Mia into the cafeteria. The hulking vampire motioned toward the table and said some words to the girls before making his way to the lunch line. Rose nodded and pulled the halfling along to the table the rest of her family was sitting at.

Alice rose to her feet with a beaming smile and went to embrace her friend. "Mia, it's so good to see you!" she expressed once she released the smaller girl.

Mia laughed at her exasperated friend and sat next to Edward. "I just saw you last night, Alice."

The petite vampire pouted and plopped into the seat. "We vampires don't sleep, so it seemed like forever ago."

Edward shook his head at his sister before slowly sliding his lunch in front of his mate, smiling softly when she beamed at him happily before picking up the turkey sandwich and biting into it.

Alice bit her lip before clearing her throat lightly once Emmett sat down in between Rose and Mia. "Edward, about that vision."

Mia glanced up confused and Edward's eyes flickered to the dark-haired female vampire quickly. Sighing heavily, he glanced down at Mia and grimaced at her confusion. "We're a family of gifted vampires, Emilia," he started to explain. "As you know, I can read minds; Jasper can manipulate emotions of others, Emmett is one of the strongest vampires that I know, Rosalie is one of the most beautiful, and Alice her can see into the future, though its subjective to the person she's look for based on their decisions."

Mia nodded, finally understanding. "What was the vision about?"

"You," Alice chirped, smiling a bit. It didn't help the girl's confusion.

Edward looked away, seeming a bit embarrassed. "It was about us, Emilia." The brown-skinned girl merely raised a brow, not knowing why the vampire was so embarrassed. "It was of us about to..." he trailed off, not looking into her searching eyes. Emmett snorted before laughing, Rose giggling and Jasper smirked in amusement.

Mia's eyes widened and she snapped her gaze to the lunch tray in front of her, struggling to come to the fact the Alice saw them about to get it on. After a few minutes, she was composed enough to look up at the pixie-like vampire. "You said that it's based on decisions, right?" she asked a bit shakily.

Alice gave her a comforting smile. "Yes, but the thing is; I can't see into your future like I can with everyone else."

The halfling furrowed her brows. "Then how did...?"

"Edward made that decision subconsciously and I saw it."

Well fuck, Edward groaned to himself once he glanced over to his mate staring at him with impossibly large cyan and orange eyes. 


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