Chapter Eight

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Edward and Mia was silent as the glanced away from each other in mortification. The blood that he drunk from a deer earlier rushed to his cheeks in embarrassment and he glanced at his mate from the corner of his eye. It was an unspoken rule to his coven that they would ignore the woman's time of the month even though the scent of blood would be stronger. It took them time to adjust to the smell since they attend school, but they were successful in doing so. But they didn't think that Edward himself would have a mate that wasn't a vampire and didn't have to worry about her time of month, but now things were different. Though not human, she was a living being and they needed to remember that.

Mia was upset with herself. She needed to learn how to filter what can be said, and not to be said. It was a trait that she got from her father, which led her to be into trouble more often than not. Sighing, she looked at Edward, to find him already looking at her expressionless.


"Nothing," he immediately responded when he noticed that he has been staring at her while in his thoughts.

"Sorry about what I said," she says sheepishly, a blush painting her cheeks.

"We'll pretend that it was never said. Agreed?" he offered with a crooked smile.

"You got yourself a deal!" Mia smiled back and stood, which made Edward give her a confused look.

"Where are you going?"

"Home; it's already eleven o'clock. It is a school night, after all." Edward frowned slightly at the thought of parting with her, but nodded and walked her out. Mia didn't see the others, but called out a goodbye before exiting the house with Edward in tow.

"Mia, can I ask you something?" Edward asked lowly as they rounded her car to the driver's side and he opened the door for her, but she made no move to get in.

"You already did," she joked lightly.

Edward cracked a smile, but waited until she nodded her head. "Do you know much about vampires?"

The girl tilted her head slightly, making her long hair shift away from her neck and exposing it to the vampire's eyes. "Not really."

Edward averted his eyes as they darkened even further. He brought his hand up to bring some of her hair back over her neck and swallowed thickly as he felt her pulse. "We have something called soulmates. Do you know anything about that?" he questioned softly.

Mia's heart throbbed at the thought of the male before her having a mate that wasn't her. "Yes. My kind, both of them, have mates or what I call them, fated ones. Why are you bringing this up?" She suddenly feared that he would tell her that he found his mate and it wouldn't be her.

"Because I found mine," he confessed, finally looking back at her and frown when he saw apprehension on her face. "Emilia," he spoke her full name softly as he leaned down, getting closer to her flushed face. "It's you."

Eyes widening, Mia searched the boy's darkened eyes and her body automatically drew closer to his like a magnet. Edward was unsure if he should kiss the girl he only knew for a day. But he didn't have to make the decision, since her soft and warm lips brushed across his lips lightly.

"I knew from the moment I touched you that you were mine." She said softly as their lips brushed again. Edward groaned lightly and pressed their lips together tighter, pulling her flushed against him. He was careful with his teeth, not wanting his mate to accidently cut herself on them and trigger the change as venom enter her bloodstream.

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