Chapter Three

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A couple things happened; Edward stumbled back as if he was stuck, eyes wider than saucers. Rosalie hissed (once again) and lunged, but was held back effortlessly by Emmett, eyes dark like coal. Alice gapped at the human girl and Jasper tensed, looking ready to kill the threat known as Mia Jimenez. The said girl shook her head and smiled apologetically at the family of vampires. She didn't mean to say it out loud, but oh well. The cat's out the bag now.

"Sorry, sorry" she put her hands up as a placating gesture, eyeing the once friendly blond that went totally feral, and for a good reason Mia supposed. "I didn't mean to blurt it out like that."
"How did you know," Rosalie spat out, eyes glaring at the girl. Alice controlled her features and stepped into Jasper's reassuring embrace. Edward's eyes searched his soon-to-be-mate, hoping to read her mind, but all he could hear was multiple whispers overlapping each other and was so low that he couldn't understand any of it.
"I'm not exactly like you guys, but I'm not human either." Mia admitted, but before she could say anymore, the bell rang and students rushed out of their classes and into the hallway. Many glanced, pointed, and whispered about the rumored new students that was talking to one of the most popular girls in school. "We should talk about this later," she suggested as she got out of the way as students hurried to their next class.

"We have English lit next," Emmett inputted, smiling easily even in a tense situation like this. Jasper sent his 'brother' a teasing grin as he relaxed everyone with his powers, mostly to his 'twin' sister, who's eyes brightened but not by much. They were a light brown, but not their golden color like earlier. She's would have to feed when school lets out.

"That's my next class. I'm sorry about not showing you guys where your classes are," Mia expressed, making all the students listening in gossip some more amongst themselves.

Alice spoke up carefully, glancing at the other humans that surrounded them. "That's alright. I'm sure we'll find our way. Thanks, Mia. Talk to you later?" The last sentence was more of a statement than a question, but Mia smile and nodded anyway. She took one more glance at Edward before they disappeared within the wall of bodies, blocking them from her view. Rosalie eased out her mate's arms and stood to Mia's right while Emmett stood on her left, blocking the poor girl in.

"Sorry I reacted that way," the taller blond apologized hesitantly, guilt causing her face to shift into a scowl. "I just want my family to be safe," she murmured low enough to the other two to hear.

"I understand. You don't have to worry though, since I am under the law where supernatural creatures can't expose other supernatural creatures," she explained lowly, making the vampires glance at each other over the short girl's head.

"Come to our house later," Emmett boomed, causing Mia to flinch violently.

"W-what?" she stuttered, glancing up at the happy-go-lucky vampire. "Are you guys gonna kill me, or something?"

Rosalie scoffed, stepping closer to Mia as a male tried to subtly brush against her. He looked embarrassed, cheeks flushed bright against his pale skin as he thought the scoff was for him. "No, we want to know what you are and how you automatically know that we're vampires."

"Oh," the tiny girl sighed in relief. Soon, they were entering Ms. Cutler's English lit class. Luckily, there were two spaces left at her table and no one would dare sit next to the popular chick that had major anger issues. The two vampires handed their slips to the portly woman and made their way to an already sitting Mia. Emmett ushered the human to the middle seat and they sat on each side her, making the girl huff but continued reading the novel they had to read and do an essay on for the semester.

"Seriously, we're reading Dracula?" Rosalie snorted in disgust and shoved her book away from her person, crossing her arms indulgently.

Emmett chuckled and shared a glance with Mia, who smiled lightly. "She hates all the myths in it."

"Like combusting into flames in the sun?" Mia giggled, making Rosalie smile at the cute sound.

"Hates garlic," Emmett intoned quietly as the final bell rung and class finally started.

"Compelled by crosses," Rosalie ran a hand threw her hair and rolled her eyes.

"You guys don't sleep in coffins," Mia nodded to herself as she half way listened to the assignments that they'll be doing today in class.

"More like, at all." The large vampire huffed angrily as the girl next to him timidly passed some sheets to their table. He gave the shy girl a large grin, nearly making the brunette pass out from all the blood rushing to her head. Mia patted his shoulder with fake empathy, since she could sleep and for twelve hours straight if her mother didn't wake her up for school. They continued to have small conversations as they did their work. Throughout the years of attending high school, the two vampires knew everything, but purposely got one or two of the answers wrong.




"Isn't it disturbing that you guys could hear a fart miles away?" Mia asked innocently as she glanced at both of the frozen vampires.

Emmett never laughed so hard in his life. Rosalie looked so mortified and even embarrassed as she answered honestly.

"It's one of the most disturbing things I have to hear for the rest of eternity!"


Edward wasn't paying attention to anything around him. He was more focused on his siblings' thoughts as they talked to his mate. He learned through them things about her. She has a mother and a father, a cat, and Angela was her best friend. Tyler was her cousin, and she hated the fact that she was super short. She was Dominican, and her eyes came from her father's side, though he didn't himself have them, his mother did. In the future, she wanted two children; one boy and one girl. He had to stop himself imagining helping her make those children. Edward didn't want his brother to feel his lust. But thus, it was all for not as Jasper slowly turned his head and gave his 'younger' brother a highly disturbed look as he felt his lust strongly as he sat next to Alice.

"Control yourself, Edward," he muttered lowly, though loud enough to let the mind reader to hear him. Alice glanced at him curiously, but said nothing as the teacher continued to talk. Without warning, she went rigid in her seat as her vision faded before images started flying across her eyes. A pencil was put into her hand and was guided to the blank paper on the desk before her.

"Is she okay?" the teacher questioned hesitantly, making Jasper smile charmingly at her.

"She's fine. She has random sprouts of ideas for her drawing that she has to put on paper immediately." It seemed plausible to him. Edward absently nodded at Jasper's thoughts as he 'watched' the vision along with Alice. Slowly, the pencil stopped and Alice relaxed, though she looked confused.

"A baby?" Alice questioned in her mind and Edward was a bit confused as well. What was so significant about this random baby she has envisioned?

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