Chapter Six

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Mia was gathering her work clothes for her shift when another bubbling mass appeared on the other side of her bed, but it was a darkish red unlike Casteel's. It rose to about six feet before revealing a young-looking male with tight curly brown hair and light brown skin. He had a full goatee and a wide smile on his face, showing off straight white teeth.

"Emilia!" he cheered and lunged over the bed and embraced her. The girl thankfully kept her balance and hugged the man back.

"Hi papa," she giggled and released the tall male.

"Going to work?" Juan asked his daughter as he sat on the edge of her bed, watching as she contemplated on which pair of shoes she wanted to wear for work.

"Yup. Four to eight, then I'm going to the Cullens for dinner," she explained and picked up some nude colored slip on shoes that matched her cardigan.

"Cullens? You mean the coven of vampires?" He stood up and began leaving her room.

"That's right," Mia watched her dad cautiously.

Juan's dark eyes gleamed mischievously as he slowly closed the door to her room. "I'd like to meet your new boyfriend soon, my little halfling." The man chuckled darkly. Mia merely rolled her eyes and began changing into her work outfit. The phone on her bed began to ring and she picked it up without checking the ID.


"Do you like six cheese Tuscan chicken and pasta?" a bell-like voice chimed into her ear, making her brows furrow in confusion. Mia had never heard the voice before and it made her tense slightly.

"Who is this, exactly?"

A light gasp echoed in her ear and the woman hurriedly explained herself. "Oh dear, I do apologize for causing you alarm! I'm Esme, Edward's mother. Alice gave me your number and I decided to ask your opinion on what I'll make for dinner tonight."

Mia relaxed finally and slipped on her shoes as well as shrugging on her cardigan. "Oh, it's alright. I love anything with pasta and like my grilled chicken to be slightly brown."

"Okay, thank you and I'll formally meet you tonight, dear. I'm so excited."

"Alright Esme, I'll see you later! Bye-bye!" She hung up with a small sigh before getting her satchel and running downstairs to finally leave for work. She passed by the kitchen on the way and saw her parents dancing in the kitchen while feeding each other what seemed like brownies. Shaking her head and laughing softly, she left the Demon General and Matchmaking witch to themselves.




Paul sat at the edge of the woods in his large wolf form, eagerly waiting for his best friend to arrive at the library/café shop that his mom owned. He could feel Sam and Jared at the edge of his consciousness as they too waited on the girl they swore to protect.

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