Chapter Four

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The features on the supposed baby was not clear, but they both could tell it was just a normal baby with a skin tone a bit lighter on the cute supernatural girl, Mia. Edward stewed a bit in his own thoughts as he expertly blocked everyone out as things in class settled down from Alice's outburst. He could already hear their gossip going on by their whispers and felt a bit bad for his pixie-like sister, but pushed it aside, knowing that it always happened.

"I think that you triggered the vision, Edward," the bell-like voice forced its way through his metal barrier that shielded him from reading other's thoughts. Edward glanced up from the table to stare at the back of the female vampire's head and waited for her to think more. "You made a decision to have a child with her!" Alice thought with excitement, nearly wiggling in her chair with glee, causing Jasper to glance at his mate with a smile as he relished in her positive emotions.

Edward scrunched his face up in confusion as he thought about what his sister thoughts. Vampires couldn't have children due to the fact that they were dead, meaning everything was dead, including his sperm...right? No one has actually tried it out, and he wouldn't endanger his mate in that way, so maybe they adopted instead? Yeah, he mused, that seem more logical.

He looked down at the paper in front of him that had some elegant scribbles on it and murmured low enough so the humans around him couldn't hear no understand. "Maybe we adopted," he suggested. His gaze turned to the staring brunette that sat next to him, and resisted hissing at her as her rather loud, lustful echoed in his head along with visions of them frolicking under the bed sheets.

"Hi, I'm Jessica!" She smiled as she noticed that the cute new student has turned his attention to her. Fluffing her short brown hair nervously, she sent him a coy smile and continued to speak. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out some time," Jessica giggled, a small blush painting her cheeks and unknowingly sent a wave of the scent of her blood to him.

Edward's eyes darkened as he lowered his gaze, the scent of her blood appetizing, but paled in comparison to his mate's. "I'm not interested," he denied her offer politely and sent a charming smile her way as her face crumbled in disbelief.

"Are you, like, gay or something?" Jessica said hotly. Her feelings were hurt and to protect herself, she instantly started insulting the guy. Her friends always told her that she never took rejection kindly.

Alice turned in her seat to glare at the embarrassed human, and Jasper held her hand under the table, calming down her anger with practiced ease. "How dare she!" the short haired girl hissed quietly. Edward and she were close, and she hated when people talked badly about him.

"No, I'm actually smitten with someone else. And besides, I would never date a girl that has major insecurities as bad as you do, or your attitude." The vampire sent her a mean smirk, his eyes darkening in humor as Jessica hastily gathered her supplies and moved across the room, not answering the teacher as she questioned the flustered teen. When the woman looked to Edward with an explanation, he merely shrugged his shoulders and picked up his pencil.

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