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Likedby: haileybaldwin and 988,287 othersLunaMarie: the watching her look stupid mood💁🏻‍♀️

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Likedby: haileybaldwin and 988,287 others
LunaMarie: the watching her look stupid mood💁🏻‍♀️

@LunaStan: where is your @?? Drag her boo!!!

@OliviaStan: you too scared to use your @? Sit down somewhere 🙄

@OliviaGrey: such an indirect caption🙄 you're telling me I'm stupid but I'm just sitting here laughing because you're acting like you're innocent, but you slept with my boyfriend😂

@LunaMarie: @oliviagrey don't even start boo everyone knows you get around and your boyfriend came to me don't act like you didn't know😂

@oliviagrey: @Lunamarie it's funny how you're just talking about yourself you were the one hooking up with every guy in Hollywood! Derek didn't come to you you came to him because he was the only guy you haven't screwed. It's gross to know you've been passed around all through Hollywood. Oh and isn't that why the Weekend broke up with you??

@oliviamybae: yasss!! The queen of dragging!! you take the crown!!👑 love you!!❤️ @oliviagrey

@lunamarieisahoe: used to be a fan but I don't like people who sleep with their best friends boyfriend🤮

@lunamarie blocked @oliviagrey

@lunamarie deleted this post

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