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Wow I hit 50 chapters and nearly 6K reads!! So exciting💕 Now on to the story

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This is supposedly a recent fight between @luna.marie and @OliviaR.Luh. Why is Olivia fighting and at a club if she's pregnant?🐸☕️ Comment your thoughts below⬇️

@AshWils42: wow! Already a horrible mother and the baby isn't even born yet. What a shame

@tatig43: wow disgusting

@luna.marie: hah horrible mother no one likes you anyway. I cheated with your husband and you're still mad😂😂

@OliviaR.Luh: i don't entertain this mess but this needs to be said. This video was way before I was even pregnant or even engaged! Yes this was when I found out that Derek cheated on me 2 years ago!!!!! This video has been going around and I have to get this off of my chest. How dare any of you call me a horrible mother when none of you know the fucking truth! I forgave this woman for cheating with my husband and yet she's still jealous of the relationship Derek and I have now. We are happy and she needs to realize that I don't give a fuck about what she's trying to do to break up Derek and I's family and relationship. 💯 #fuckfakefriends

@fatherkels: since I'm the only one not pregnant I'll beat this bitch's ass💯 @OliviaR.Luh @stassiebaby

@stassiebaby: oh believe me when I have my baby it's on. You still beat that bitch's ass tho😂😂😂

@derekluh: @OliviaR.Luh babygirl don't entertain this jealous hoe. We good and that's all that matters. If any of you have a problem with Olivia you're gonna have to see me and trust and believe me you don't want to mess this.💯

@sammywilk: I'll whoop some ass if anyone tries to come for those two.

@nashgrier: ^^^ on a real level

@jackj: ^^^

@livvyluhfan: We love you so much Olivia as your fans we will be with you through everything.

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