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Texts between Derek and Olivia:

Hey livvy I kinda want to talk to you about something

Hey D! What is it about? I'm kinda scared😂

Derek🙄❤️: lol😂 there's nothing to be scared about but anyways I know I've messed up big time in the past but I want to work out the thing we had before all of that happened. I want to be us again

Olivia💗🔥: Umm Derek are you asking me out? But if so I don't know if I can do it. I honestly don't want to be hurt again  I've been through a lot

Derek🙄❤️: Yeah I know, but trust me I promise I will be 100% committed to you and only you

Olivia💗🔥: Okay fine, but if you fuck up again it's over completely

Derek❤️😘: I promise you baby I won't this time!

Instagram// Maggie Lindemann and Derek Luh//#Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now