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Ok... soo for the past few months I've ignored the hate I've received on social media and also the hate I've received from @derek_luh i know many of you were like "I thought they were married and happy," but It is now time for me to tell the truth... which is my side of the story. Our marriage/relationship was never the easiest, i mean not all relationships are great, but after I lost baby Kayden, things went downhill from there. Derek constantly blamed me for losing the baby, which tore me up and made me feel worthless and like it was my fault. He put so many hateful words in my head that made me lose self confidence. Derek constantly slut shamed me for talking to other guys, while he was with @amandadassi which I felt was so unfair. I was stuck not being able to speak to any of my guy friends because I was genuinely afraid of what he might have done if I did. I believed that divorce was the best thing that I could do. And I decided that I should be strong and stand my ground. I try my best to avoid drama between him but I'm always dragged into something. I'm telling you guys that to say this... your happiness is worth much more than a guy. Toxic relationships never work out and you should never feel afraid to do anything EVER!! Ladies never let a man put you down and make you feel worthless. For now my comments will be turned off. I love you guys so much and you all mean the world to me. Now I'm done talking about this and I'm going to do me💕😂 Now excuse me while I go be a BOSS ASS BITCH😛💕💕💕

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