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Olivia's POV:

It's been a month since I lost my precious baby boy. It has been so hard for me, but especially for Derek. He's become very distant, and he barely even speaks now. I've tried everything to help him cheer up, but he's taking it so much worse than i'd expected. He has been doing this forever and I feel that now is the time I say something.

"Hey babe can we talk?" I asked Derek.

No response...


still no response...

I got angry that I yelled his name.

"Derek Luh! Goddammit! I know you can hear me! I am sick and tired of this game you're playing. I know you are upset and sad, but don't you think I am too! I carried him for months and you don't think i'm hurting?! Every day I cry myself to sleep because I lost my baby boy, but one day eventually I'll have to get over it! You are acting very selfish, all you've been doing is going out getting drunk and coming in late, and right now you are only caring for your own fucking feelings," I said with all the force I had. Derek stood there angrily as he watched smoke fume from my ears.

"How dare you call me selfish Olivia! You say you are hurting but it damn sure doesn't look like it! You've been acting like a complete bit-!"

"I would not finish that fucking sentence if I were you Derek," I said with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Oh believe me I will! You've been acting like a complete bitch Olivia," Derek said with pure anger and hate in his voice.

"Get OUT!" I yelled, my voice shaking. "Get the fuck out of my house Derek! I don't want to see your face any more!"

"Okay. If that's what you want then I'll go," Derek said picking up the clothes I threw at him.


The door was slammed hard as Derek left in his Jeep. He was gone. My husband was gone. Derek and I have never had an argument this bad. All I wanted to do was cry. I have had all this emotion bottled up and I had to just let it all out. My head pounded with pain as the tears continued to pour out.

I was so hurt right now and all I wanted to do was be alone.


A/N: This was such a sad chapter. There will be a lot more drama coming so get ready.

Question: Do you think Olivia and Derek will stay together or has their marriage been broken?

Don't forget to Vote and Comment! Love you guys!

-xx J.

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