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This is a pretty long chapter so get ready😂
Olivia POV
Today was the day that I got to marry my best friend. Right now it is 8:00 in the morning and we just woke up going down for breakfast. The girls had their own condo and the boys had their own too.
"Are you ready for today?" Kelsey asked.
"I am but I'm so nervous. I just want everything to be perfect," I said as we all sat down at the table, eating the breakfast that was served for us.
12:00 noon
"Are you ready for hair and makeup Mrs. Luh?" My stylist asked.

"Oh why yes I am Allie!" I said giggling at the use of the name "Mrs. Luh."

Allie began doing my makeup. Then she went on to my hair. My bridesmaids were Stassie, Kelsey, Luna, Gigi, and Kendall. My flower girls were my little twin cousins Hailey and Hannah. Derek had always been very close to them, which made me know that he'd be a very good father. It always made me happy to see him and the girls playing together.

My mother and the bridesmaids were now in their dresses. Now it was time for me to get into mine.

Derek POV
Today I get to marry my lover, best friend, baby mama, sexy thang, the love of my life, my beautiful Olivia Greyson Rios.

"Well man, you are going to be tied up for life in a few hours," Sam said.

"Nah he's been tied up," Nash said laughing.

"Well hey, I'm happy that's all that matters," I told them as I started to apply gel to my hair.
There was no way to describe how nervous I was. It is like meeting her all over again. I just want everything to be perfect for her.

(A/n the song for this entire chapter (basically the wedding part) is at the top. This is like one of my favorite wedding songs I play it nonstop I hope y'all like it😁😁)
Girls Condo |Olivia POV|

Once I was in my dress, my mom came in holding a card. She then handed it to me and once I noticed it was from Derek I started to tear up.

"Oh hunny! Don't cry yet you haven't even read the inside of it!" My mom said chuckling.

"I know! I've been so emotional these past few days!" I said laughing. My dress fit a little tighter than it was when I first tried it on I got nervous but I finally was able to fit. I read the card out loud.

"Dear Olivia,
I know being with me has been a roller coaster ride. I have hurt you plenty of times, but I really thank you for the times you took me back. You've help me see what true love is. Baby, I cannot wait to marry you. I can't wait to see you in your dress and out of it (wink). I love you❤️
Love ,

My eyes instantly start watering, but I dry them up because I did not want to mess up my makeup. My dress was now on and I can truly say I felt like a princess.

 My dress was now on and I can truly say I felt like a princess

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Wedding Time 👰

It was now time for the ceremony to begin. Everyone had now walked down the aisle with their partners, and now it was time for me and my dad to go. My hands were shaking and my dad assured me that everything would be fine. Everyone stood up from their chairs and I started my way down the aisle. As I was walking, I saw Derek with tears rolling down his face. Seeing him cry instantly made me begin crying. Gosh I'm so in love with this boy.

Derek POV
Once everyone made their way down the aisle. My hands became sweaty as I saw my beautiful bride walking down the aisle with her father on her arm. Tears instantly began rolling down my face. How can anyone be this beautiful? I'm so lucky to be marrying the girl of my dreams.

Once Olivia reached me, I held her hands and whispered to her "you are so beautiful. I'm so lucky"
The pastor then began the ceremony.
"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Derek Luh and Olivia Rios in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

No one spoke up. That's good!
Now it was time for the vows. This was the part where I knew I was going to cry. You never realize how much you are in love with a person when it comes to something like this. The pastor then told the audience that we had our own vows. My nerves went away and all of a sudden it felt like it was only Olivia and me out there together alone.

"Olivia, when I first heard about you on social media, I was so star stuck and I thought to myself dang that woman is going to be my wife one day and I know it. I never would have imagined I would be marrying someone as beautiful, intelligent, enthusiastic, and determined as you. Baby you light my entire world. You are the key to my heart, and as cheesy as that sounds I really mean it," tears began to fall out of my eyes. "Olivia baby, I love you so much and I promise to love and cherish you forever in my heart til this day forward."
This chapter will be split into two parts because it's so long so yeah hope you enjoy!

Instagram// Maggie Lindemann and Derek Luh//#Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now