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The Eyes


Beta covered the Cider's mouth quickly, putting a skinny finger to his lips. Letting her go, the battered man made his way to the door, waiting for the muttering to cease.

What're you—!

"—doing?!" she whispered, suddenly pushing her body between him and the shut and locked door.

She's still out there.

I know that, Beta thought to the voice. But I can't let them get to the nursery. Hershey's brother is in there, he'd never forgive me if I let it get ransacked.

Since when have you ever cared about Hershey!?

Since just now.

Beta, think this through.

Beta didn't. He pushed past the women blocking his way and cracked open the door, peeking out into the darkness. The vents had gone off, and the eerie quietness flowing through the corridor seemed anticipating. Beta could just barely hear the crazed, no-eyed woman walking somewhere down the way. He opened the door fully and followed her timid footsteps.

Beta please, think about this. You have no weapons!

Beta smiled as he sped up. That's not entirely true, he thought. I have you.


He sped up even more, catching an outline of the bizarre woman now. Better hurry.

No Beta.

The woman came to a stop, but Beta didn't. In fact, he went into a run at her exposed back through a torn shirt.


She turned abruptly, arms out, almost welcoming. The only offsetting thing was the tongue moving wildly and hungrily in her mouth. "BREAKFAST IS THE MOS—!"


Beta's body changed suddenly, and then he wasn't himself. Something in him found a strength he never knew he had, throwing an uppercut so powerful it threw her back. The woman's head jerked upward, spit and blood—maybe even a tooth—spewing from her mouth before she collapsed. The voice left his body and retreated back to his mind, leaving Beta stumbling back into his shocked, Cider companion. "Woah!" she hissed. "...Awesome!"

"Yeah, kind of," he said. "Come on, we need to hurry." As Beta was about to run, the voice spoke to him again.

You need to hide the body.

Beta stumbled and stopped. "We need to hide the body," he iterated all of a sudden, grabbing the unconscious woman's arms. His female companion leaned down and grabbed the woman's legs, backtracking to the room they came out of. "Are you okay?" she huffed under the weight of the body.

"Other than a little bit of self-resentment, lovely," he responded. Tossing the body into the room, they didn't hesitate. The two ran down the hallway, crushing the stairs and emerging on the base floor. Her and Beta emerged in the dining hall and he pointed down the hallway hidden by the kitchen's wall. "The nursery's this way."


Beta stopped and she did right after, backtracking to where he then stood. The two stared at the phone sitting on the desk next to the flowers.


"That's the house phone," she said.


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