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Call Out for Help

Matrix was pinned down on the ground by Tammy. By then, both sides had suffered from bruising in places that hadn't been strained in a while.

Tammy growled as she aimed for Matrix's neck. Matrix pushed her off and scrambled over to the lamp on the table, but his foot was snatched and all he could do was knock it off its platform before being dragged back down. Matrix turned on his back and raised his foot, slamming it into Tammy's skull. He heard her neck snap. Tammy released Matrix and Matrix crawled away once more. He tried to will the kitchen knife on the other side of the room to come to him, but it wouldn't budge.

Hershey was right, something was wrong with him and his abilities.

Before Matrix could figure out what, Tammy lunged back on top of him, blood dripping from her mouth and dropping onto the Stak's face. Matrix's wrists were pinned down by her hands and Tammy put her knee on his chest so that he couldn't move. She started to laugh maniacally before putting on a serious face. "I never thought I'd be the Sync to kill a Stak, but I guess it's my lucky day." Tammy leaned in closer to Matrix, their noses almost touching. He built up as much saliva in his mouth and spat it in hers.

Tammy smacked her lips, tasting the saliva from the other man. "Mmm, salty. Is that bacon?"

"Oh, that's disgusting," Matrix whispered to himself. He glanced over at the knife and tried again to move it. It budged, but he could only do it a little at a time; he didn't have that much time. The only chance he had was to make more. Matrix let his eyes drift back to Tammy, but this time with a different look, a newer look.

It was curiosity.

"Why are you doing this?" Matrix asked. Tammy tilted her head. "Why do you even hate us? We haven't done anything to you."

Tammy's solemn look edged into a sneer. "You don't know Elias, do you?" Matrix frowned, trying hard to get the knife closer by every inch possible. speaking as smooth as anyone could in this situation. "What do you mean?"

The knife was near his fingertips, but he was out of energy. He stretched as far as he could to reach it. Before Matrix could prepare for the hell before him, he flinched as Tammy pierced his wrists with her fingernails, barring her teeth. "How dumb you creatures have become." Tammy took in a breath, a vein sticking out of her temple. "Any Sync, any dead, any Perna knows a friend of Elias, is no friend of ours."

Matrix finally got a grip on the handle. "Well, that doesn't make it a friend of ours either." Matrix plunged the knife into Tammy's neck, seeing it come out the other side. Tammy choked, but the screams didn't last long as she fell with a thud on top of Matrix.

Immediately, Matrix pushed her off and crawled away. He tried to get up, hands shaky as he used the dresser for support. Matrix felt it coming before it came, and was able to get a few good steps toward the bathroom before vomiting all over the floor.

And then he saw the vomit, and he vomited again.

Hershey ran down the hallway, searching for his friends while trying to figure out where the blood trail had led to. While he was walking down the hallway he spotted Beta walking slowly out in front of him. They spotted each other and waved. Hershey ran over. "Hey, what happened?"

"Nothing important enough to share," Beta decided. He gestured to Hershey's back, which was still covered with the blood he had slipped on. "What's with the blood?" He also gestured to his head. "And your horns are out."

Hershey seemed surprised by the last part, completely unaware that they were showing. He left them still, head aching and knowing that if the Syncs could get away with murder, then he could get away with a little deformity. "Don't worry about the horns. I think this is a tag team. I went into the kitchen and it was a bloodbath. But when I went out and walked back in it was spotless, given the few minutes between when I passed out but still. I think they're attacking together, they take turns feeding and the other one stuck on janitor duty," Hershey explained.

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