Chapter 3. Healing

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Thank you for all of the posotive feedback!!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer! I know this chapter is a little short (  :(  ) but I'll update soon, i promise.


:) Tiernan (:

I practically flew over the landscape, dodging trees and swerving around rocks. I urged myself to go faster and faster; I knew that every moment I wasted improved the chance of her dying. I raced through the forest, hoping that I was not too late. I had to keep hoping.  Was the camp really this far away? I shoved my doubts away. It had to be close. As I sprinted, my eyes roamed the forest, looking for the clearing and the camp. Nothing. Wait, a spot of light in the darkness of Fangorn! I broke through the branches, still at a dead run. The clearing! I managed to dig my feet in and stop myself before I could hit Gimli.

“Ack!” he choked, surprised at my appearance.

“Listen, Gimli, I need you to go find Aragorn. Tell him I found a wounded elf. She needs medicine. Go!” I told him quickly, pushing him in the direction Aragorn went. “Most of the orcs are dead, so don’t worry about running into them.” I continued as I placed the elf down on a blanket. Gimli set off into the forest, calling  Aragorn’s name. I carefully looked over the elf, trying to see where all of the blood was coming from. There was a nasty bruise forming on her head and around her neck, a cut on her arm, not too bad though. There was an arrow wound in her shoulder, which looked bad, but not life threatening at the moment. There was a deep gash on her leg, from which all of the blood seemed to be coming from. She was losing too much blood from that wound alone, and more from the arrow wound and the cut on her arm. I quickly grabbed a rag to staunch the bleeding, but I knew she would need more than that if she was to recover. I couldn’t wait any longer for Aragorn and Gimli. I would have to do this by myself.

I grabbed a flask of wine and a needle and thread. I always kept a needle and some thread on me, because Elvish clothes, while strong and hard to tear, are not armor. They can be cut, and I don’t like walking around with holes in my shirt, so I carry thread. I cleaned the wound with the wine, knowing that the alchohol would hopefully prevent infection. Now comes the hard part. I winced as I pushed the needle through one side of skin, and then back through the other edge of the wound. Back and forth, almost a hundred and fifty times. As I stitched the wound closed, the bleeding gradually stopped. The major wound was taken care of, but I still needed to clean and bandage the others. I peeled back the sleeve of her dress, revealing the arrow puncture. It had gone about an inch into her flesh, narrowly avoiding bone. There was nothing to do for this one except put a few stitches in it, so that is what I did. Puncture wounds are very likely to get infected, so I made sure to clean that one extra carefully. The cut on her arm was shallow and had already scabbed over, so I left that one for now.

I carefully bandaged her leg, shoulder, and arm so they could stay clean, and hopefully not get infected. Most of her was still coated in blood, and as all her major injuries were taken care of, I decided to clean her up a little. I took some water from one of the packs and carefully wiped the grime, dirt, and blood from her face. She was beautiful. Her hair shined like gold, Her eyes were slightly slanted, and were wide. Her nose was small and sharp, and her lips soft (looking). She was thin, but not small. From what I had seen, she was a fearsome warrior. I continued cleaning her arms and legs, until, except for her clothes, she looked remarkably well. She was clean and bandaged, and she looked very peaceful. Just as I was cleaning the rags I had used to clean her and staunch the flow of blood from her Aragorn burst into the clearing, Gimli following close behind. Aragorn ran over and wounds, knelt by my side.

“How is she?” he asked me.

“I cleaned and bandaged her wounds, but one can never tell.” He carefully unwrapped the bandages and looked over her injuries.

“She was losing to much blood.” I explained. “I had to stitch the wound closed.” He nodded.

“That was the best thing to do.”

“So what do we do now?” Gimli asked us.

“We can’t leave her.” I murmured.

“But what about the Hobbits?” Gimli asked again.

“You two can go on ahead. I can catch up once she’s well enough to travel.”

“We need your bow, Legolas.” Aragorn argued.

“What’s your idea?” I argued back. “We have no other choice! After you find the Hobbits, we can meet in Edoras.”

“I do not like it.” Aragorn mumbled.

“Neither do I.” Gimli added.

“I don’t either, but I can think of nothing else.” I said. “It is night. We should rest while we can.”

Aragorn and Gimli nodded.

“Before we do, how did you find the elf?” Aragorn questioned.

“Well,” I began. “I was looking for plants, when I heard a noise and saw an orc. He was mumbling something about deserting, so I knew the rest of them must be near. I shot him. Then I heard shouting and ran towards the sound. It seems that they came upon her and tried to capture her, so she killed them. Eventually, by sheer numbers, they must have dragged her down, and questioned her about the hobbits. She didn’t know anything, so they were about to kill her. Then I shot them, about twenty, and went at the rest with my knives. Eventually, they ran away, and I came back here with her.” I finished.

“When she awakens we will see what happened before you arrived.” Aragorn commented.

“Let’s get some rest.” I said. I carefully draped a few blankets over the elf maiden and checked her bandages one last time. I carefully laid down and closed my eyes. She would awaken tomorrow.

 :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :) :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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