Chapter 14. Back to Minas Tirith

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Chapter 14

Sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, but I've been busy with school work and another story I'm working on that I still haven't posted... Sorry!

Enyala’s POV

The remainder of our trip passed in an awed silence, for the most part. The men had many questions about exactly what the Valar were, and how they came to be. So I told them the story of Creation. Whenever I would forget a detail, Legolas would add in whatever it was. Once story time was over, however, it was mostly quiet, save Legolas and I murmuring to each other in Elvish.

“When they said created, what did they mean?” he wondered.

“I wasn’t born like a normal child.” I explained. “I was more… shaped, almost, in Manwe’s mind. He thought me up, then projected me into real life.”


“Tell me about it. I was created fully grown, with all the knowledge of the ages already inside my head.”

“And you can remember all of that stuff now?”

“No…” I trailed off, trying to recall the memories. “I can’t. I don’t know why. I’m glad, though. Everything’s new and exciting.” He pulled me closer to him.

“I’m really, really glad we’re not dead.” I chuckled at that.

“Me too.” For the rest of our trip, we sat in companionable silence. When we arrived back at Minas Tirith, we found Gandalf in the House of Healing, with the two Hobbit heroes.

“How are they?” Aragorn asked, his voice full of concern.

“They are exhausted, hungry, and Frodo just had the Ring of Power torn away from him. They are not well, but they will recover.”

“And what of Merry and Éowyn?” Aragorn once more asked him.

“They are recovering. And it seems like Éowyn found someone.” We glanced out the window. She was sitting on a stone bench, holding hands Faramir, the Steward’s second son. I had not met him in person, but, from what I had heard, he was a good man. A smile tugged at the corners of Aragorn’s lips.

“I am happy for her.”

“We all have someone, except Gimli here and Gandalf.” I laughed.

“Don’t worry about me.” Gimli chuckled. “Once I get home, I’ll find a wife. And don’t worry, I’ll invite you two to the wedding.”

“What about me?” Aragorn asked. “Don’t I get an invitation?”

“Fine, if I have to.” Gimli replied, a smile still on his face. “But I think that I can figure it out once I actually have someone to marry.”

“Good point.” Aragorn said.

Over the next week, things improved greatly. The city was cleaned, and every day more and more people arrived. They came to see if their loved ones were safe, and for the Coronation. Ah yes, the Coronation. It was going to be a grand thing. Of course, we would have to wait until Frodo woke up. After a full twenty four hours Sam had risen, and been declared healthy, though most of his time was spent watching over Frodo. Said Hobbit was supposed to awaken any day now, but after all that he had been through, no one could blame him for sleeping it off.

Legolas’ POV

“Enyala!” I called. “Enyala! Frodo is awake! Come on!” Thirty seconds or so after this, a very sleepy looking Enyala wandered out of our room. There were plenty of deserted homes about, so we had our pick.

“Come on then, let’s go.” She yawned, leaning heavily on my shoulder. Hand in hand, we made our way to the House of Healing. We entered, and found Frodo chatting happily with Merry, Pippin, and Sam. Aragorn was sitting next to Gandalf, and they were watching the Hobbits, amusement evident in their faces. Frodo smiled at us as we entered.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” Frodo said.

“No, we haven’t.” she explained. “I was attacked by some orcs, when Legolas here saved me. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard so much.” After chatting with him for a while, Gandalf ushered us all out. Frodo needed his rest, after all. Now that he was awake, the Coronation could be held. Everyone except the elves were here already, so we were all set there. Later that day, Aragorn informed everyone that the Coronation was to be held in a week’s time. I was getting a bit antsy, stuck in the city. I much preferred the plains and the forests, but Enyala and I kept busy. There were many secret tunnels underneath the city, and we had a good time exploring them. After one such day, when we had arrived back at our borrowed home, I realized how much I missed all of the adventure. Not the killing the orcs, but the travelling. I loved spending time with these people, but I really preferred the outside world.



“Where do you live? I’ve never really asked you.”

“Deep within the heart of Mirkwood. It’s beautiful there; you’ll love it.” I smiled as I remembered my home. “It’s like Fangorn, except there are no ents, and it’s a bit less mysterious. But only a bit.”

“It sounds wonderful there. And what of your father? Do you think he’ll approve of me?” she asked jokingly.

“I’m sure he’ll love you. And if he doesn’t, then too bad for him.” I laughed as she kissed me quickly on the lips. Just then, my eyes lit up. “There’s probably something else about me you should know.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“You have to guess.”

“Alright, your secretly a spy for some dark and evil force, but having met me you’ve decided to change for the better.”

“Nope.” I said, popping the P.

“Just tell me, I could guess for ages and not know.”

“I am a prince.” I said slowly, enunciating every word. “Legolas Thranduillion, Prince of Mirkwood.”

“No way.” she said, her eyes wide. I laughed at her surprised look.

“Yup. Thranduil, my father, is the King of Mirkwood Forest. I have no siblings, so I’m the next in line. But, of course, it’s more likely that all of us will end up sailing away anyway, and since we are immortal it really doesn’t change too much.”

“You’re a prince and I was created by a god. We make a good couple.” she decided.

I chuckled and nodded. “That we do.”

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