Chapter 7. The Aftermath

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Ch. 7  

This chapter is not new. I am just editing and turning the long chapters into shorter ones. So, anything from here to the next authors note is not new! Sorry for the confusion!

Legolas’s POV  

“Legolas!” Aragorn called. “Help me! Enyala is hurt!” I sprinted over to where he was standing. Enyala was lying in his arms, limp.

“Haldir, what happened?” I asked. “Now!” 

“An axe.” He managed. “She jumped in front of an axe that was meant for me.”

“We have to get inside NOW.” Aragorn reminded us. I took her from Aragorn’s arms and practically flew to the gate. ‘Please don’t be dead!’ I begged silently.

“Aragorn and Haldir are coming.” I told the soldiers holding the doors. I walked in and told the King the same thing, then set Enyala down to see how bad the damage was. The wound reached from her bad shoulder down, across her stomach.

“Legolas.” she mumbled and blinked.

“Enyala, you’re hurt. I need you to stay still, okay?” She nodded weakly. I grabbed a wine flask of a table a poured it gently across the wound. She stiffened and gripped my hand, but she did stay still.

“Thankfully, it’s not deep.” I told her. “I can bandage it for now, and after the battle, stitch it up more permanently.” She nodded. I stood up and glanced around, looking for rags or cloths to use as bandages. I grabbed some off a nearby bench and set to work. I carefully wrapped the wound, from her shoulder, down to her stomach, and over and over, until I was confident it would hold up.

“It isn’t too bad.” I told her. “Just be careful, okay?” She nodded and pushed herself up. Haldir came running towards us.

“Gimli and Aragorn have gone to buy us some time.” he said. Aragorn handed him a rag to wrap around his arm.“Thank you, Enyala. I am in your debt.” She inclined her head in his direction.

“I’m going to go see if Aragorn and Gimli need help.” I decided. “Enyala, please stay here and let that scab over.” She nodded and sat down, grimacing in pain. I ran up to the platform above the gate, grabbing a rope on my way. Gimli and Aragorn were fighting off some Uruks just outside the gate.

“Aragorn!” I shouted, throwing down the rope. Aragorn grabbed the rope in one hand and the dwarf in another. I hauled them up as the Uruks began firing grappling hooks up the sides. With a final heave a managed to pull them up. I shot the ropes out from one, and it fell back  on the army, just like the first one, except this one was much bigger.

“Pull everybody back!” I heard Theoden order. “Pull them back!” with a final shot, I dove into the hall just as the door closed.

“Into the keep!” one of the King’s men yelled. We fought and fought, but it seemed as though for every one we killed, two more took its place. Eventually, it began to brighten. The clouds cleared, and he dawn brought new hope. As we fought, I caught a glimpse of something to the east. I glanced back to it.

“The White Rider.” I said in awe.

“Gandalf.” Aragorn whispered. And behind him were the exiled Rohirrim, riding to our rescue. “We are saved.”

  Enyala’s POV

After Gandalf arrived, (and killed the remaining orcs) he requested we ride to Isengard to defeat Saruman once and for all. We saddled our horses (this time I got my own) and set out for Isengard. We rode until midday, when we stopped for food and water, then continued through Fangorn Forest on an old road. A thick fog swirled around us, making it difficult to see. Soon, we arrived at what seemed to be Isengard, though the walls were cracked into chunks, and dust and rubble still fell. Farther off, into the steamy mist, a tall dark tower was visible. Orthanc.

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