Chapter 10. The Cave

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Ch. 10

Hello!! Here is the next chapter, as promised! Oh, does anyone know the correct possessive form for Legolas? Like, Legolas’ or Legolas’s. It’s so irritating! Blarghh!!!

Gimli’s POV

I smirked as Legolas walked quickly back to the tent. He looked rather green. I shrugged to myself and shoved another piece of chicken into my mouth.

“How is that even possible?” Enyala asked in wonder. “You have eaten a rabbit, a bowl of chicken soup, a loaf of bread, a chicken, and part of another.”

“We dwarves are just skilled at things like this.” I beamed, grease dripping down my face. I saw Enyala gag out of the corner of my eye. These elves have no stomachs. I mean, Legolas ate a bit of bread and nothing else, and she had a bit of bread and an apple. No wonder elves are so skinny. I continued my way through the chicken, oblivious to the fact that Enyala and Aragorn had left. Once the last bone was stripped of meat, I glanced around and was surprised that they were gone. I harrumphed at went back to the tent to look for them. As I approached our tent, I noticed that the men in the surrounding camps were pausing what they were doing, as if listening. I stopped and listened too. A faint singing was coming from the tent, and was becoming louder. I shook my head. Those elves. I could hear both of their voices weaving together into harmony. The men had rapt expressions on their faces, listening to the music of the elves. Their voices rose and fell in a beautiful duet. For some reason, it reminded me of a sad farewell, a departure into unknown. When the melody faded, the men went back to what they were doing, but in a more gloomy way. I shook my head to rid my mind of the thoughts and walked up to the entrance.

I pulled back the flap and froze, my jaw dropping. Because there sat Legolas and Enyala, hand in hand, kissing. I made a rather faint choking sound and went to back out, but before I could, Enyala turned to me and laughed.

"Hello Gimli.” she said. Legolas glanced up at me, looking rather embarrassed. Well, very embarassed. I looked back and forth in shock.

“You know what?” I managed. “I think I’ll get my own tent.” Enyala chuckled.

“You do that.” Legolas stayed silent. I turned and strode out, still shocked. Enyala and Legolas! I should’ve known something like that would happen.

‘You know what?’ I said to myself. ‘I think I’ll go tell Aragorn, just so he’s not shocked or anything when he sees them.’ I wandered over to Aragorn to tell him the news. Alright, to gossip, but dwarves are known for gossiping, so that’s not my fault. He was sitting by himself, smoking. I went and sat down next to him.

“Aragorn.” I said with a grin on my face. “You won’t believe what I just saw.” He took the pipe out of his mouth and looked at me in amusement.

“What did you see?” he asked.

“Well.” I began, taking a deep breath. “After you so rudely left me to finish my meal by myself, I went back to the tent. The men outside were acting strange, as if they heard something, so I stopped and listened. The elves! They were singing one of their songs.”

“That’s hardly news.” he said gently.

“Ah, but I’m not done. So when they finished, I continued on into the tent, and guess what I saw?” I asked excitedly. I thought he was starting to understand.

“I walked in, and they were kissing!” I threw my hands up.

“No.” he said in disbelief.

“Yes!” I crowed. “So I’ve decided to get my own tent.”

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