Chapter 16. Meeting Thranduil

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I'm sorry this is short. I really, really am. But unfortunately, Assassins Creed 3 AND Black Ops two were mysteriously delivered to my house a  couple days ago so........ You can imagine what I've been doing for the past 72 hours straight. I promise that soon I'll do a super long chapter, but not right now. I really am sorry, though. BTW this is really just a filler chapter. Nothing major. And I was just wondering, what's your guys' favorite OTP? Becuase right now I'm into some serious BBC slash fictions, namely Janto (Jack and Ianto from Torchwood) and Johnlock (John Watson and Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock). What are your favorite pairings?

Enyala’s POV

At six thirty the next morning, we were off. We said a quick goodbye to Aragorn, Gimli, and the Hobbits, and we left. Our horses, Arod and another we had picked up at the stables, names Eru, were rested and ready to depart, as were we. We left the White City at a brisk trot, eager to leave the stone behind, but full of sorrow to be leaving our friends. The rolling plains soon swallowed all else, and it was just me and Legolas. We rode close together, chatting in elvish every once in a while.

“Shall we stop in Fangorn?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t mind. It would be nice to see the forest without something trying to kill me.” I replied.

He smiled. We rode slowly, reveling in the beauty of the plains. That night we slept under the stars. It was beautiful. The next day was much the same, except when nightfall came, we camped at the edge of Fangorn Forest. Come morning, there were several trees around that hadn’t been there the day before. I immediately recognized one.

“Quel amrun, Treebeard!” I called. I knew he could understand me.

“Morning, little Elf.” he replied, slowly standing up.

Legolas awoke at the deep baritone of Treebeard’s raspy “Hoom”ing voice. “Hello, Treebeard.” he greeted.

Treebeard “Hoom”ed in his direction. “What brings two elflings into my forest?” he wondered.

“We were wondering if we could explore. Wander around, that sort of thing.” I explained.

“Of course, of course.” he said. “Wander all you want. My forest is yours, as far as I am concerned, as long as you do not hurt it.”

“Thank you, Treebeard.” Legolas said, grabbing Arod’s bridle and leading him into the dense forest. Likewise, I took Eru’s bridle and followed. The forest was beautiful; I had only a few blurry memories of pain and orcs in it, and it was a much better experience to see it for myself than to be inside of it while orcs were trying to cut off my head. Dark foliage hung down from thick oak branches, and a faint light filtered down. It was absolutely gorgeous.

As we continued through the forest, a faint music seemed to be in the air, an ancient melody that I somehow knew. I hummed along, following Legolas closely. We spent the day wandering around the forest, and about an hour before dark we arrived at the other side. We mounted our horses and began riding to Mirkwood, which was about a day’s ride away. Having no need to stop, we rode through the night. The plains gradually faded away to become slightly more mountainous, dotted with trees here and there. We crossed a river, and the Forest was in sight. Dawn fast approaching, along with the forest, we rode hard. It was obvious he was eager to be home, and I was eager to meet his father. I wondered what he would think of me. As we neared Mirkwood, the details of the forest became clearer.

 It was darker than Fangorn; more frightening, but I trusted Legolas. There was a small path leading into the wood, and this we took. The inside of the forest was similar to the outside. It was foreboding, full of mystery. I loved it. With a faraway look in his eyes, Legolas told me about his home. He spoke about Bilbo Baggins of the Shire and the Dwarves who traveled through the forest to defeat the dragon Smaug, he talked about his childhood, growing up with a bow in his hand and an arrow nocked on the string. He told me about the adventures he’d been on in his lengthy life.

 Once, as he was talking, there was a slight rustling in the bushes. Faster than a human eye could see, a yellow shafted arrow sped into the bush, and a large, and when I say large I mean about three feet diameter, spider flailed out, the shaft buried in its body.

Soon, we arrived at the Elven City. It was just as he had described it, beautiful and majestic. As we approached, several elves yelled out joyously. Their prince had returned.

We dismounted at the gates and walked up to the palace, to see Legolas’ father. My stomach turned uncomfortably. I could battle a thousand orcs, but I couldn’t face his father? What was wrong with me? I took a deep breath and grabbed Legolas’ hand for reassurance. We walked in.

A man, not quite so tall or beautiful as Legolas, was standing, looking out of the window.

“Father.” Legolas greeted. I released his hand and he gave his father a hug. It was obvious they loved each other very much.

“I am glad to see you here in one piece.” Thranduil said to his son. “And you brought a lady. Thranduil, King of Mirkwood, at your service.”

I blushed and responded, “And I at yours.”

“This is Enyala.” Legolas introduced. “We met in Fangorn.”

“Lovely place, Fangorn.” Thranduil said. “Always been one. Beautiful. Nice  to meet you, Enyala.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. Legolas had told me so much about you.”

“Oh really? I hope it wasn’t anything too horrific.” he winked at me.

We chatted amiably for a few minutes more before he showed us to our chambers. Well, actually, he just walked us to Legolas’ old room. But still, the intent was the same. He advised us to get some rest, as we hadn’t slept in a day and a half. We gladly agreed. As Legolas and I settled into his soft, warm bed, I felt content. I wasn’t worrying about what anybody was going to say or do, and there was absolutely no one trying to kill me. I was tired, comfortable, warm, and with Legolas. What more could I ask for?

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