Chapter 15. The Coronation

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I am so so so sorry about the length of this chapter. I really, really am. I would have made it longer, but I'm just. So. Tired! The next chapter will be extra long, just for you guys. I PROMISE. Love all you wonderful readers!   :) <3


Several Days Later

“Now come the days of the King.” Gandalf announced as he placed the crown on Aragorn’s head. “May they be blessed.” With a very kingly look in his eye, Aragorn rose. Cheers erupted from the crowd as he stood.

“This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace.” he announced as the cheering got louder.

Enyala and I were leading the procession of Elves. Directly behind us was Elrond, then a surprise for Aragorn. We gracefully walked up to him. Enyala and I stepped to one side and I motioned behind us. At that moment, Arwen stepped out from behind a flag. She looked beautiful. Not, of course, as beautiful as Enyala, but that was to be expected. After all, she was created by a god.

With a shocked look on his face, Aragorn stepped forward, then drew her in for a long, passionate kiss, while the crowd “Aww”ed. Eventually, they stopped, and hand in hand, they continued down the path to the hobbits. They looked daunted by the crowd, garbed in rags and tatters, but as they made to bow, Aragorn said, “My friends. You bow to no one.” and he kneeled. We all did. These little Hobbits had saved Middle Earth from the greatest of evils. They indeed deserved our respect. The entire city of Minas Tirith bowed to those child sized hobbits. It was incredible. The rest of the procession was a blur. I shook so many people’s hands I thought my arm was going to fall off. Thankfully, the banquet was for the King’s closest friends, and important people.

“Legolas, my friend.” I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around, Enyala still holding my hand.

“Faradrim!” I grinned. “It’s wonderful to see you!”

He smiled, his blonde hair, almost white, blowing gently in the wind. “And who is this beautiful maiden?” He asked, taking Enyala’s free hand, bowing, and kissing it gently. Always the gentleman and poet.

“My name is Enyala.” she said, a slight blush creeping onto her face.

“Ah! I’ve heard so much about you. It is an honor to meet you.”

“And you as well.”

“You’re father sends his best, Legolas.” Faradrim turned back to me. “He said to tell you he was sorry he couldn’t make it to the coronation, but he was busy. You know Thranduil, always something going on.”

I chuckled. “Indeed.” Enyala sensed that Faradrim wanted to speak to me privately about something, so, with an apology, she excused herself. Gimli was making a mess, and she had to go talk some sense into him.

“She’s gorgeous.” he said, awed, as she walked away. “You’re a lucky elf, Legolas.”

“I know.” I smiled. “So, what do you need?”

He looked a bit nervous. “It’s your father. He’s going to leave.”

“What?” I asked, hardly believing. “He’s going to leave? You mean, like, forever?”

He nodded. “Yes. He wants you to come home so he can see you before he leaves. He won’t be going for another six months, so he should be there for the wedding. I assume you are getting married?”

“Yes, of course.” I said, distracted. “I haven’t asked her yet, but I know she’ll say yes.”

“Make it special.”

“I know.”

We were silent for a moment. “So.” I said. “Anyone new in your life?”

He grinned. “Actually, yes. Remember Laerwen?” I nodded. We had grown up together, Laerwen, Faradrim, Valahuir, and I. Valahuir was the quietest out of all of us, and a wonderful friend.

“How could I not?” I asked.

“Well, we’re engaged.” he told me, blushing slightly.

“That’s wonderful!” I congratulated. “I always knew you two were perfect for each other.” At this moment, Enyala came walking back. I  smiled at her and took her hand.

“Well, it was lovely talking with you.” Faradrim bowed, and went off to go talk to Faramir.

“I love you.” I mumbled, leaning in to give her a quick kiss.

“Love you too.” she replied.

For the next hour and a half, Enyala and I walked around, chatting pleasantly with everyone. It wasn’t every day Coronation was held, and I knew that many of the people here had traveled from hundreds of miles away to get here. When we finally managed to escape, Enyala and I managed to get back to our borrowed house. It was evening now, and it had been an exhausting day. We collapsed on the bed, too tired to do much else.

“I’m so tired.” Enyala complained. “How can talking be so tiring?”

“I have no idea.” I chuckled. A few minutes later, when we were comfortably under the blankets and warm, I asked, “When shall we leave?”

She was silent for a moment, thinking. “We could leave tomorrow if we wanted to.” she said. “Or we could stay for a few more days. It doesn’t really matter to me, but I am getting a bit bored of stone.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I said, snuggling closer to her. “It’ll be nice to be on travelling again.”

“So tomorrow we’ll say goodbye to Gimli, Aragorn, Gandalf, and the Hobbits, and then we can go.”

“Wonderful.” I murmured tiredly. “It’ll only take a few minutes to pack.”

A faraway look appeared in her eyes. “I miss all the travelling. The adventure. The not knowing what’s coming next.”

“So do I.” I said. “But just think; by this time tomorrow, we’ll be out, under the stars again.”

She sighed contentedly. “I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I.”

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