Chapter One: Years Passed

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 Mebuki Haruno's voice boomed. 

 "H-Hai, mother?" she suddenly looked at Mebuki. 

 "Snap out of it! What are you thinking? You have to work, remember? You're a kunoichi!" Mebuki noted her young daughter. 

 "Hai, mother. I was just taking a little rest. That's all." she said, smiling. 

 Mebuki Haruno can sometimes be a little rough to her dear daughter, Sakura Haruno. But she's definitely a great mother. Mebuki is a fair-skinned woman with shoulder-length, blonde hair with a single bang which falls down into her face. She also has green eyes and wears a white qipao dress with three red circular designs at the bottom of the front of her dress as well as the back. Underneath the dress, she wears pink ¾-length pants along with brown sandals.

 "Alright, then, Sakura. Me and your father are going out for a mission. Don't worry, we'll be back before dinner time." her mother mentioned. 

 "Mebuki! We better get going!" Kizashi called out. 

 "Mom, it looks like you and dad are in a hurry, well, maybe I'll be in a mission as well," Sakura gave her mom a sweet smile. "Stay safe." 

 Kizashi entered the room wherein the mother and the daughter are talking. "Sakura, you'll be fine, right?" he asked. 

 "Dad, I'm not five," Sakura pouted. "Of course I will. And besides, you and mom will be back here before dinner." 

 "Just looking out for my only daughter, which is my only child." Kizashi said. 

 Kizashi is a kind-faced man with blue eyes, and dull-pink hair which is styled into the shape of a cherry blossom — a possible allusion to his daughter's name. He also has sideburns which flow into his angular moustache and a bit of stubble on his chin. He wears a dark, loose-fitting kimono-shirt which has a green, inner-lining and sleeves which extend beyond his kimono shirt. 

 "Eh, fine, fine." Sakura huffed. Mebuki and Kizashi chuckled. 

 "We'll see you later!" 

 "Un! Stay safe, both of you!" 


 "It's been three years. Three years since Sasuke left me. Is he this desperate for revenge? Maybe he is. If he wasn't, he may not have even left," Sakura muttered to herself. "No one can replace him. I don't think anyone can."

 The pinkette shook her head and brushed it off her mind. "Nevermind that! Time for training!" she plastered a big smile on her face, running outside.

 For straight three months, all Sakura did was train. Train so hard. Naruto have been worrying about this girl, but the pain her body was showing was not a big deal. She didn't mind. Well of course, there was a root on why Sakura wanted to do this. They tried saving Sasuke, but failed. That planted on her and she trained, to get him back. 

 "Just a little more. I will save you, I'll save you, no matter what, Sasuke!" those memories kept swirling on her mind. Yes, he caused pain in her chest. But, you would also give anything for the person you love, am I right? He was special to her. 

 Evil or not, she loved her. Loved with her whole heart. 


(( Author's Note: Hi guys! New Sakura story! :) I hope you like it for first impression. I'll do more, and I firstly need feedback. Comment and vote, IF you like to. And please give me some feedback (comments) so that I'll be energetic on doing some more chapters. Believe me, your support makes me go on.))

Has been edited further more. 

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