Chapter Eleven: Simple Words

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  "Teme, wanna go to Ichiraku? My treat!" Naruto invited Sasuke as they walked through the rough streets. Sasuke just rolled his eyes. 

   "Ramen isn't good for someone's health, I'm guessing that its the only thing you eat." the Uchiha scoffed menancingly.

    "It's still delicious! Come on, wanna get some?" 


   "Yes you do." 

    "No I don't." 

    "Whatevah, you're coming with me!" 

   Naruto dragged Sasuke to the ramen shop happily as Sasuke just frowned in irritation. Right after they arrived, Naruto glanced at his rival -slash- friend. They sat ahead. 

   "Oh, Naruto! What's for today?" Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen, smiled as he asked the blonde. Naruto grinned sheepishly. 

    "The usual, old man!" 

    Teuchi heavily averted his gaze at Sasuke. "Hey.. aren't you-?" 

    Naruto interrupted at that thought, "Oh, you remember Sasuke-teme, right? He's my teammate! My rival and also my friend!" Oh goodie, Sasuke owes Naruto for saving him in a crunch. "Sasuke-teme will also have what I want, please!" 

     Teuchi just nodded. "Coming right up." 


     "EH, ARE YOU SERIOUS, FORHEAD?!" Ino asked in confusion, towards the pinkette's words. 

      "Yep. Sasuke is back," 

      "Well how come I haven't seen him?!" 

      "Means you're blind." 


      "I should say the same, Ino-pig," 


      "You never changed." 


      "You're lucky, the feeling is mutual." 

     "Okay, let's just shut up, ne?" Ino said, calming down. 

     "Great idea," Sakura clasped her hands as she was dragged roughly by Ino, who happens to be just WALKING at the streets. Like, what the hell? 

    "Well, forehead, how do you feel about Sasuke... going back?" the platinum blonde-haired lady asked the pinkette awkwardly. 

   "First of all," Sakura pulls her arm from Ino's grasp. "Let go of me." she clears her throat. "Second, don't drag me, you're just walking." she huffed. "And third, I don't care."

   "You are just so... irritating." 

   "If that's a compliment, then thank you." 


   "Here you go, Naruto, Sasuke." Ayame, Teuchi's daughter, gladly served them their meal. Naruto smiled happily and just shed anime tears upon seeing his food being served. 


   Teuchi, Ayame and Sasuke sweatdropped. And of course, the Uchiha also received his own food. "You dobe, you always come here and you always taste this kind of food." 

   "Yah, I know but let's eat. Itadakimasu!" Naruto began to eat his ramen. Sasuke stared at him warily but also looked at his food but at the same time, heard familiar voices that stopped him from eating his ramen. 


     "Same goes for you, you pig!" 

     Sakura and Ino; who else? Heading also to Ichiraku ramen shop, the two girls hesitated upon seeing Naruto and Sasuke. Well, mostly Sasuke. 

      Unexpectedly, Ino ran. Sakura just continued to walk. 

   "SASUKE-KUN! KYAAAA! YOU'RE BACK! YOU'RE STILL AS HANDSOME AS EVAAAAH!" the Yamanaka yelled as she was hugging Sasuke pathetically but quickly let go. Fan girling much? 

     Naruto took a deep breath as he finished his bowl of ramen. "HEAVEN TASTES SOOOO GOOD!" Surprisingly, Naruto drew back his wallet from his pocket and paid for his meal and also Sasuke's. Who knew that he had money? Ino smirked deviously. What's she planning now? 

    "Ooooh, Naruto! I almost forgot! You have to help me with my problems with Shikamaru! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" she yelled as she dragged Naruto. "See ya, guys!" 

    "But-" Naruto wasn't able to finish his sentence. 

    Ino and Naruto went from a BIT far distance from Sakura and Sasuke, but they were still able to see them. "Okay, shut up, Naruto, don't scream like a jackass -slash- dumbass, kay? I'm using my Ino awesomeness to have some Sasuke and Sakura moments!" 

    "But Ino, you and Shikamaru don't even have a relationship!" Naruto whined. Ino slapped him angirly and frowned. 

    "YOU DUMB ASSHOLE, SO WHAT IF I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH HIM? IT DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE DATING YOU IDIOT! But anyway, like I said, I'm just doing this for those two." 

    "Ne, you're an idi-" 

    "I dare you to finish your sentence." 



   "Hi." Sakura waved her hand softly. "Wanna go to a place more quiet? Ichiraku is kinda crowded now," she said as a mob of people went near the stall. 

   "Hn. Yeah." 

   Sasuke and Sakura walked beside each other. "How are you feeling?" the pinkette mused. 

  "Fine. I'm fine." 




  "Yes, you?" 

   "Wait, me?" 

   "Shut up, I said yes." 

   "Oh, I'm.. good." 

  Ah, how ironic. They're just saying simple words. 

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