Chapter Six: Broken Love

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      "Sure, I'll join." 

      "EH? REALLY?!"

      "Yeah, sounds fun. See you later." 

     Hinata and Tenten were surprised. They invited Sakura to hang out with them later at 6 pm. Ino wasn't surprised though. She knew that Sakura would change. 

       "I-Ino-chan... what just h-happened?" Hinata stuttered, like always. 

       "Did Sakura received amnesia?" Tenten rubbed her eyes.

       "Nope. Yesterday night, me, Shikamaru and Choji saw her at the playground. And... GOOD NEWS! She's gonna stop her obsession for Sasuke!" Ino smiled.


       "No, I meant she's gonna stop her feelings for him." Ino corrected. 

       "Ohhhhhh," Hinata and Tenten nodded. "That's a miracle, isn't it?" 

     "NOYESMAYBE," Ino coughed. "But anyways, as long as the problem's gone, then everything's fine." Ino gushed. 

      "I guess so." 

      The news was heard throughout Konoha. Some believe that Sakura would give up and some believe that she wouldn't. All of them knew about Sasuke Uchiha and despises him very much. He ran for a traitor who had murdered innocent people for power. And he too, would do the same in particular. They would like to understand why Sakura loves him, but can't. True, everyone has the right to fight for their feelings and love ones, but why him? Why a traitor? 

     Sasuke was special in Sakura's eyes. When they were kids, she would fangirl all over to him. She liked him despite of his good looks, skills and knowledge. But now, you can say that she changed. She was.. different. She is no longer a fangirl but their relationship bloomed into something stronger. Love. Sakura herself knows that she should not give up! But what can she do? The guy doesn't wanna go home himself. Reality is sad but true. 


      Naruto was calling her from the distance. He was heading to Ichiraku's when she saw the same pink-haired girl through the streets. 

      She crossed the road in order to get near him. "Hi, Naruto!" her voice was full of happiness; the sadness... how did it fade? Naruto was surprised. The unbreakable fighting spirit and strong emerald eyes of Sakura came back! 

      "Sakura-chan... I heard that you would-" 

      "I would give up on Sasuke? Hell yeah! The old happy Sakura is back!" 

      Naruto was of course clingy at that time; Maybe she was just trying to be happy? Or maybe she's just acting happily so that he wouldn't worry?

     "R-Really?" he asked, leading her to Ichiraku's. They walked and as they arrived at the same little ramen shop, they sat at the chairs and ordered. 

    "Naruto, I know that you think I'm just pretending to be happy, but I truly am. I'm over Sasuke. I'm done... just done. You and I- we tried so many times to wake him up and bring him back, still no use. You tried to purify him with your words, but he's still at the darkness. Kaka-sensei tried to stop him, nothing changes. I was oblivious to other men, but... I just wanna forget. That's all." Sakura smiled.

     If that's really it then.... okay. Naruto was happy to see her smile; And yes, she's truly getting over him. Getting over Sasuke Uchiha.

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