Chapter Eighteen: Fear

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***Author's Note

Really sorry guys. There's some internet issues and sh*t stuff going on here so I can't update fast. I hope you understand why this is short. Sorry!


    A manner of fear, concern, and sadness erupted Sakura as she thinks about her friend, Gaara. Although another thing keeps bugging her is the letter. But nevermind that, something that also bugs her is the ritual to get the tailed beast from the Jinchūriki. They can't do it if they're incomplete. Itachi Uchiha was declared dead but his body was nowhere to be seen. It ended up at the battle field where Sasuke and Itachi fought, but when people went to check it again, it was gone.

    "We need to hurry, Gaara may be in serious trouble now," Naruto says as they stop from running.

     "I know a shortcut," Sasuke declares. "Let's go!"

     Since Sasuke probably went to the Akatsuki hideout a couple of times to seek Itachi, he knows the directions and shortcuts. They just followed him attentively and Sakura gulped.

      A couple of minutes, they reach a big hollow cave with a big stone covering the entrance.

     "Damn it! Is Gaara inside?!" Naruto cusses out of desperation to save his friend. "We need to break this stone down!"

    Their heads turned at Sakura, who was intently staring at the big stone. They knew that Sakura had monterous strength, there's nothing bad if you give it a try, right?


     "I know," she forced a smile, "I'll try." She says as she stepped away a little, and charges fast on the stone and punched it furthermore. She punched it several times and the sound of the punches grew like there was an earthquake but it only damaged the stone a little.

     "Akatsuki's doing. That's why the stone is very hard." Kakashi examines it, "Nice job, Sakura. You demolished it a little and it's good enough."

    Sakura looks down, not satisfied with what she has done. She peeks at Sasuke's expression and she knew that he was annoyed- or rather disappointed with her. Who wouldn't be, right? She trained for so long but she can't even destroy a rock. Although that Akatsuki was behind the uneasiness of the rock, she still wanted Sasuke to at least believe that she has gotten stronger.

    "Sakura, let me ask you again, how many years have you trained?" Sasuke asks.

    She didn't answer. She saw how Sasuke's lips curved up into a smirk, and he continued speaking.

     "Let me ask you again, how many years have you studied ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu?"

     No answer.

     "Did you hear me, Sakura? How many years?"

     Still no response.

      "How many years-"

      "I trained for three years but it's still not good enough!"

      Everyone was shocked when Sakura shouted directly at Sasuke. The ravenette's smirk faded, as he stared at the lady.

      "Why did you train?" He asked.

      She looked up at him, "Because I was stupidly in love with you." She says, "God! I can't even believe that I trained and risked for you, and you alone! Why the hell am I so stupid?! I wanted to be stronger, but the real reason why I wanted to be more powerful is because I wanted to save a jerk and useless person like you! Who needs you anyway? All you did was push me away, and I always try to understand you because I know that you're in pain and you need love rather than lectures. But you know what, Sasuke? I had enough. I f*cking had enough!"

       Everyone stopped--- including the ravenette.

      Then Sakura just felt her cheeks getting wet---tears. She just shrugged it off and wiped it fast. Naruto sighed.

       "This is no time to fight, guys. L-let's save Gaara-"

       "Let's go." Sakura procedes coldy as they worked how to blow up the stone.

      Naruto looked at Sasuke, who was staring at Sakura while she worked. When Sasuke knew that the blonde was looking at him, he looked away from the pinkette and resumed thinking about their plans.

      Kakashi went towards the young Uchiha and tapped his shoulder, "Hey."

      "Not in the mood. We're on a mission. We must hurry." Sasuke tells him.

      Kakashi chuckles, "Does her words affect you?"

      Sasuke frowned at that thought. "No." He quietly answered.

  "Oh really now? You were listening. Although, I didn't expect you to eavesdrop on our conversation." Kakashi smiles.

     "I wasn't eavesdropping, idiot. Her voice actually makes quite a commotion."

      "Yet, you chose to listen, Sa-su-ke." Kakashi intimidates the young man.

     "Shut up."

   "When she confronted me with what she feels about you, she said terrible things about her relationship with you. You still chose to listen and know what she thinks about you. Unexpectedly, she said those words that you didn't even expect her to say to you. Funny how it is, you still want her to be intimidated by you even if you badly want to apologize to her." The masked Hatake explained.

      "Stop." Sasuke demands.

     When they finally made the plan, Naruto strikes the huge stone with his Rasengan and it blows up.

Once the smoke faded, two faces made them gape in surprise.

Two Akatsuki members. Deidara and Sasori. And they have...Gaara.

****To be continued***

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