Chapter Twenty: Puppeteer VS Leaf Kunoichi p.1

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                 “So what you’re saying is, we can defeat Sasori with this plan?” Sakura asked.

               Chiyo nodded as an answer. The old woman wrapped chakra strings around Sakura, and in this way, Chiyo would use Sakura as the puppet the beat Sasori, and his puppets. Sasori is a well-known puppeteer at Suna during the old times, he did everything with puppets. The thing is, Chiyo was so pitiful when it comes to Sasori. Truth is, Sasori lost his parents when he was a child, he even made puppets with the faces of his mother and father just to make himself happy and satisfy himself even if it’s painful to experience loss at such a young age. 

                “I hate waiting, shall we continue?” Sasori gave a small smirk as he taunted. 

              Sakura’s eye twitched with annoyance as Chiyo controlled her, concentrating on every move that Sakura would do. Sasori did the same thing, he would charge his puppets and Sakura would blcok the attacks or throw punches. 




               Obviously, it was Naruto. Don’t expect Sasuke or Kakashi to yell that, because that’s just weird! Right?

               Deidara scoffed menancingly as he took notice of Gaara, who was with him, laying down on the clay bird that Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi are chasing. 

           “You’re somehow important to them,” Deidara said to the unconscious Gaara. “And that blonde kid’s yelling makes me wanna rip my ears off.” Friends... who needs them? Deidara thought.

                “OH MAN! WE GOTTA HURRY!” Naruto complained.

                “Then just shut up and keep chasing!” Sasuke resolved.

                “EEEH! NO, YOU SHUT UP!”

                “Ugh. Moron.”

           Kakashi sweatdropped as he took notice of the two. They might look like childish idiots fighting, but somehow, Kakashi managed to smile. It’s good to be complete again. 


               “Sh*t,” Sakura took a step back as she tried healing the bruise on her arm, “poison...” 

               Chiyo went near the pinkette, “Are you okay, Sakura?!”

               Sakura gave a reassuring smile as she nodded, “It’s just poison.”


               During the attack of Sasori’s puppets, Sakura was caught off guard due to the other puppets which she was busy dealing with. That is why, she was surprised when a puppet slashed her with a kunai on her arm which had poison.

              Sakura and Sasori had been fighting for almost an hour. Sakura was tired, so was Chiyo. But Sasori stayed alert and focused, that’s why he still stood tall.

               The pinkette received a lot of bruises and wounds. She was drained and tired, she didn’t had enough medical chakra to heal herself. 

                 “Too bad, there’s no one who can help you,” Sasori smirked.

                 Sakura exhaled as she thought of way to win.

                  But with one voice, hope was written on her face.

                  “We’re here and we can help her, Sasori of the red sand.”



Plug / Promotion: I have a book of SasuSaku one-shots. The title is 1000 Memories and you may see it on my profile if you wish to read it. Arigatou!

* First, I would like to say that I’m sorry for the late / short update. I lack ideas and I’m very busy so I hope you all would understand. 

* Second, I’ve been receiving different questions that I tend to answer such as: 

Why are the updates too slow? It’s because I’m always busy because of school, projects, assignments, contests, lack ideas, no internet connection, or lazy. Yep. So I’m sorry if ever you think of me as a girl who can’t update fast. If I had every idea, then this would be complete in no time but sadly, I’m still thinking of an ending. The longest week that I haven’t updated is three weeks at most. It doesn’t take me a month so I still consider myself faster than others.

Can we ask for dedications? Sure thing. :)

Why is Sakura acting so bitter in the story? She’s not bitter, she became better. She finally realized that Sasuke had no interest in her, which may be proven wrong (?) or true in the ending. So I assure you, Sakura is NOT acting bitter here, she just became furious / lonely because she realized that she put her pride on the line because she was so desperate for love and attention from Sasuke and now, she has proven that Sasuke is not deserving for her love.

Will there be a sequel after this series? Sadly, I don’t think there will be. At first when I made this book, I said to myself to leave some questions unanswered in the book so that I can make a sequel, but I was new on Wattpad when I made this, too. I thought that I needed to make a sequel to please everyone here, but no. NO SEQUEL COMING UP AFTER HAUNTED BY THE PAST. HBTP (Haunted by the Past) is a mini-series of what happens next to Sakura’s relationship with Sasuke, that is why this story focuses to SasuSaku, because Sakura tends to move on and forget Sasuke. I’ll just finish this book, and I would let you all be satisfied, okay? I think this would end on Mid-February or before January ends. :)

How old is the author? I was 11 when I started this but now I’m 12 but I need more practice that’s why there’s so many errors harhar

Thanks for reading!



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