Chapter Fifteen: Her History and Past

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 You probably hate me for not updating. Well, don't worry, I hate myself too :) ASDFGHJKl I SAW MY CRUSH YESTERDAY AT THE AFTERNOON (it was only exam, so we were half day but I decided to come home in the afternoon blaah) AT THE LIBRARY AND HE CHANGED HIS CLOTHES AND HE LOOKED SO YUMMY - I MEANT HANDSOME . Heresss the chapter xD


     Two weeks. Two weeks has gone by and Sakura didn't feel like speaking with Sasuke furthermore. Every time there were moments when they could get together, she always lost her nerve and well, find ways to exit herself in the 'awkward' situation. But more or less, she avoids Sasuke, that's no secret.

       Speaking of Sasuke, he has already found himself an available apartment to stay in. The Konoha Council and himself, has cleaned his entire name and image between the crowd. He was once more a Leaf ninja. And for sure, that fact will never wither 'till eternity.

        Sakura was heading to the Hokage Tower, when she met up with Kakashi. "Sensei! Nice seeing you! We haven't hang out much with Naruto like before," she says, a bit disappointed with the occuring events with their ninja life and career.

        Kakashi had nothing to do but gave her a warm smile. One of a kind. "Err- sorry, Sakura. Well, it's not just me that's busy, too. You're also busy with your schedule and your module and relationship with Sasuke. I guess you're in a pinch now, yeah?"

         The pinkette sighed, "What do you mean by relationship? I told you, I'm no longer in love with Sasuke. I'm done. The pain is enough."

          "It's not that, I meant you and his awkward connection. You always feel uncomfortable around him, and so does he. You're running away from your history. You're running away from each other." Kakashi's 'lectures' were always so brilliant, so why not protest them now, huh? Sakura was looking down at her feet now. He's right. She's running away from her past, her history, everything. 

          "But why must you be running away from it, Sakura?" Kakashi adds.

           Sakura looked up and met Kakashi's eyes. "Because... my past does not define me now." she says, assured of her response. "Every time I remember the word they used to call me, I get crazy, like really. WEAK. They always call me that. And you, as my teacher, did NOT focused on me and YOU focused on my two other teammates who were obviously STRONG and had MORE potential that a girl like me, who just came from the Haruno clan. But you know? I never doubted you for that."

           Kakashi exhaled. Everything he heard was right. He took one mistake. One HUGE mistake.

          "Then there goes me and Sasuke's history. I'm so tired of begging for his love, sensei! I'm so tired of being a big phony and a waste of time for him!  I'm so tired of HIM! He never returned the love I gave him. Did you now? I gave him more than enough to break his cold heart. But all I ask is for him to return them. The same care, love and tender. I don't need him to LOVE me, the way I do. Even as friends, I can accept. But now? Too late. I don't want to beg anymore. I'm no longer a beggar, wanting love from Sasuke."

          Sakura walked out then went straight to the Hokage's office, leaving Kakashi 'speechless'. 

          As she arrived, she knew a mission was present that she could get. 

          The Hokage sneered, "Team Seven. New mission. Akatsuki." 


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