Chapter Fourteen: If Only

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Author's note:

Hello my amazing readers! Sorry for the late update, I was very busy. Oh and btw, when I first wrote this, I thought of it as a short story. And maybe I'll make it long 'till 18 or 20 chapters. Dude, I wanna reach 1k votes for this story. Haunted By The Past and The Predator and The Prey has 669 votes (for HBTP) and 820 for TPATP. Both are new books, thats why I guess. Anyway, enjoy!


                   Sasuke and Sakura helped them thoroughly, by acting as "a married couple". Sounds weird (like to the highest point) but they have to act, to save the people... and well, to earn money- for Sasuke. Far most, they should be going back to Konoha by now...

                    "Yeaaaah!" shouted Sakura, "Sasuke, they gave us enough money," she says. She opens her hand, full of money and gives it to Sasuke. "Here."

                    Sasuke gave her a confusing look. "This is 100 ryo. I should have 50. And the other 50 must be yours." he said. "Divide it equally."

                    Sakura smiled. The smile that she never put the past years. "You need it. Keep it."


                 Sasuke and Sakura went back safely, without even chattering much. It was dark when they arrived. "You'll be finding your apartment tomorrow morning. Its already late." Sakura said, as she started walking.

               "Thank you."

                That was Sasuke's voice; he thanked her. Truthfully. He's grateful. "Thank you for your help. It's too much, actually."

                Sakura avert her eyes towards Sasuke. "It's no biggy." she says, "Sasuke, can we talk... like... about the past?"

                 "What's with the past?" Sasuke asked. 

                 "You know, I trained so hard to save you. I couldn't risk myself doing nothing but to watch you walk to the darkness. I couldn't do anything that time. I cried. I only cried. But when I turned a teenager, I finally understand what crying was for. It couldn't bring back anything."  Sakura stated, remembering the distasteful memories. "I wasn't only training to save you, but to show people that I'm not useless. Over the years, I have been hearing nasty judgements about me. People thinks that I'm no good. They think I only care for myself because I wanna save you-"

                 "They thought wrong."

                  That simple statement from Sasuke lit up Sakura's face. They thought wrong. 

                 "And you should know... that 'till now... I'm haunted by the past," Sakura said. "Even if you're back, I wasn't the reason why you're here now. I pity myself for loving a guy like you."



Ohmigosh. Again sorry for updating late and for the boooooooriiiiiing chapter. I WANNA END THIS. UGHHH.

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