Chapter Two: Training

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 Sakura Haruno turned to look who called. "Lee-san, hi!" she smiled sweetly at Rock Lee. In return, he smiled as well.

 Lee was of course with his team. "I think you should take a break, Sakura-san." Everyday, every night, all she did was train. Tenten looked at her. 

 "Sakura, me, Ino and Hinata are going out tonight. Come with us. A girls night out would be fun." 

 Sakura chuckled at that. "No, you girls should go without me. I'm too busy training." she explained, still smiling. Neji looked confused. 

 "Sakura-san, do you have a mission to train this hard?" Lee asked. 

 "No, why?" 

 Neji looked at the bushy-brow nin, frowing. All of them knew why she trained, to get Sasuke back. But Lee acted idiotic as Naruto always do. 

 "I'll talk to you again, Sakura." Tenten said, pulling her two teammates, huddling. All of Konohagakure knew that she was desperate to get Sasuke Uchiha back. Some people thought that she was obsessed with the raven haired teen, but they just don't understand. 

  If you were in this girl's place, left alone by the boy you loved so much, would you stop seeking him? Not just that, he was her first love. And she believes that first love never dies. She didn't stopped because there was a saying like that, she didn't because her love was enough. Enough to bring him back, in her opinion. 

 However, is her love really enough? 





 During Tenten, Neji and Lee's walk, the two brown-haired shinobis glared at their teammate. "Seriously, if there's a problem, tell me. Don't glare or stare!" Lee yelled.

  "Lee, why'd you have to ask her that? We all know that Sakura trains to get Sasuke back," Tenten explained.

 "Lee, I suggest you don't ask her questions like that anymore. Everything's beginning to be awkward once you mentioned." Neji pleased.

  "Don't worry, I won't anymore." 


 Night time came. Sakura was still at the same spot when her mother and father arrived from their mission. "Sakura, dinner will be ready in an hour!" Mebuki noted. 


 Mebuki and Kizashi knew how much their daughter loved Sasuke Uchiha. They tried stopping her from training almost like to death, but gradually let her in the end. No force can make Sakura stop. To stop loving the Uchiha.

 Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga and Tenten ran to the pinkette. " g-gonna c-come?" Hinata asked. 

 "Sorry, but no. I gotta continue training," Sakura refused. Hinata's smiling eyes faded, Tenten's sparkly orbs turned concerned and Ino's calm eyes turned angry. 

 "Listen up, bill board brow! Stop this nonsense! You're still obsessing over a guy who stabbed you and left you alone?! Grow up, girl!" Ino wanted to squeal those words so bad, for so long. 

 "I-Ino-chan!" Hinata tried to calm her down. "Ino, stop yelling!" Tenten said. 

 But Ino was right, Sakura is risking her life just for this guy. "Ino, you obsess over him as well. You cry over him, you loved him too." Sakura defended. 

 "Bill board brow, you're getting on my nerves! Sasuke Uchiha is not coming back! I already accepted that, and why can't you?! You're a disgrace!" Ino yelled some more. 

 "I-I-Ino-chan, c-calm down, please!" 

 "No matter how strong you become, he's never coming back! Never!" The Yamanaka snapped. Sakura had her bangs covering her eyes.

 "He's not coming back unless someone asks him to. That's why I train, to save him! He'll come back!" Sakura said.

 Ino shed tears seeing her friend lose love for herself just because of the Uchiha. Hinata and Tenten were sad as well. Sakura cried, "I love him too much to let go....."

 "" Ino paused. 

 "I-Ino-chan?" Hinata said. 

 "Sakura, you're......


 With that, Ino slapped her friend unwillingly. "I hope that wakes you up!"

 "Tough luck, it didn't." Sakura huffed. 

~*~*~*~*Haunted By The Past~*~*~*~*~

(( A/N: How is it so far? Well just so you know I'm really craving for your support on this one. Thanks for reading! (: )) 

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