chapter 2: The beginning

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I woke up really early today I have 1 hour to be ready for school.

So I decided to go prepare myself and this is what my outfit for today looks like:

So I decided to go prepare myself and this is what my outfit for today looks like:

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I went to the kitchen and saw a note

Y/N I went to work early because your dad needed my help and sorry I didn't make you breakfast just make your own breakfast sorry darling I was really in a hurry have a great day at school

Aishhh I'm so lazy to cook lets see what we have here yassss there is cereal lets eat cereal I got bowl and poured milk and cereal and started eating.

Then I walked going to school then I went to my locker when suddenly someone slammed my locker then I turned and see jimin really close to my face

Y/N: How may I help you YOUR HIGHNESS? Wait you don't even look like a prince so peasant! 

Jimin: Oh sweetie, what the fuck did you just call me? Do you even know who I am and how dare you talk to me that way! And you're obviously the peasant here, just look at what the hell you're wearing.

Y/N: Well Mr. Jerk I don't have any much time to play with you, so please fuck off while I'm still being patient here! Move out of my way now!

I started walking when suddenly someone or Mr. Jerk face grabbed my wrist. Oh hun, you just did not grabbed my arm. Why the fuck am I always the target of this people. Whatever I do even though I dress like this or dress normally like I would they still ughhh. What did I do to deserve this much attention with all these playboys!

Jimin: Hey nerd!!! You have the guts to really do that I was talking to you!

Y/N: Yahhhhhh! Let me go! Can you just stop bothering me? Why the fuck do you even bother. Like didn't anyone teach you manners or if someone doesn't want to talk to you bruh fuck off! I have no time with someone who doesn't have a brain like you! You filthy hands get it off now!

Jimin: How dare you scream at me huh who are you to do that!!!!

Y/N: Well first of all I'm y/n and you're not somebody to control me. God damnit just fucking let me be. I just want to go to school peacefully and you're here trying stupid shit. I don't wanna play right now ok! Find someone to play with and stop bothering for fuck sake!

Jimin: Baby you should have not do this you should have followed me because I'm sure gonna make your life living like hell so watch out Y/N. I know that you are not strong but deep inside you are fucking weak so watch out baby.

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