Chapter: my childhood friend

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Someone was calling me and I look back and it was my childhood friend Eunha.So Eunha is a bit older than me by 5 months yeah.

Y/N:eonnie I miss you ohhh my gawwd you look so pretty. And eonnie why are you here.
Eunha:I transfered here then I saw you
Y/N:ohhh eonnie this is blackpink guys introduce yourselves.
Jennie: Hey I'm Jennie
Rose: Hey I'm Rose
Lisa: eonnie its me Lisa I miss you *then they both hug*
Eunha: omo Lisa I miss you gawwdd you look pretty.
Jisoo:*coughs* uh hmm Hey I'm Jisoo
Y/N: eonnie what class are you in now Eunha:I'm gonna go music, how about you.
Y/N: ohhh me and blackpink have the same class so we're going to science class now

ring ring ring
*time for class*
So they proceed to there classes

When Y/N enter she saw Jimin surrounded by girls again. Then Jimin notice that Y/N was staring at him,he gave a smirk to Y/N.She just went to her seat and shruged it off

Y/N!!Y/N!!what is happening to you aisshh I swear Y/N this is wrong we know that you guys aren't together and Y/N you shouldn't fall for a jerk like him.

Y/N: 네(yes)
Mr.Choi: Y/N stop say dreaming and focus even though your smart you still have to focus and listen in my class.
Y/N:네(yes) Mr.Choi 미안해요(sorry)
gawwdd this teacher you want to get fired how dare you but I don't want blow up my cover that my parents own this school everyone might think I'm using all my power and everything aissshhhh I swear.
Mr.Choi: So class.....blah blah blah

Jimin's p.o.v.
I was looking at Y/N and she look like she's in deep thoughts. I wonder what she's thinking about. And a while ago she looks like she was jelouse well my plan is working. But why do I feel bad aisshhhh pabo jimin stop it don't fall for a nerd like her.

Time skip
*after school*
I was exiting the campus when suddenly someone pulled me
Y/N: yah!! Jimin let go of me!!
Jimin: you're going home with me babe
Y/N: OK,fine but then don't call me babe.

Why Do I feel like this aiiissh I'm confuse right now. While I was over thinking we finally reach home.I went to my bedroom I changed my clothes to something comfy:

I went to my bedroom I changed my clothes to something comfy:

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Then I did my homework and study for the quiz on history.

3 hours later:
I went downstairs to the kitchen and cook dinner. While I was cutting the vegetables I felt someone was hugging me from behind.
Jimin:Jagiya what are you cooking
Y/N:u-uuhhm can you pls let go of me
Jimin: I'm asking what are you cooking
Y/N: aiissh just sit and wait and let go I can't move
Jimin:What if I don't want to
Y/N:pls oppa let go of me hmm hmm *aegyo*
Jimin: eeeww OK I'm gonna let go and sit down pls don't do that eeeww
Y/N: you wanna die
Jimin: OK sorry

Jimin's p.o.v.
she looks so cute when she did that. Y/N-ah what are you doing yo me. If I didn't stop you I wouldn't control myself anymore. Yahhh park jimin what are you saying

this is a short chapter but I will try my best to make the next chapter as soon as possible mianhae

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