This is the day

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yeah yeah I know I said i would update really soon and I'm sorry for that long story short depression, heartbreak, and school. I had been busy for school cuz of exams and project and you know its stressful when your overthinking uggghhh you know what lets just go to the story

And also i change the name of the childhood name of Y/N from eunha to seulgi sorry

So yup yes 1 week was over so yes its the day of my marriage to the evil PARK JIMIN as you know I don't have a choice but ooohhhh well what can I do.

Lisa:Y/N!! Y/N!! earth to Y/N!!!
Y/N:Ohhh I'm sorry Lisa what do you need.
Lisa:Its all done be ready you have to go know.
Y/N: Thank you Lisa*sighs*

So yup I'm now walking towards him and ohhhh my gawwdd so much people and so much flashing of cameras like wtf its just a wedding why is it a big deal ugghhh I'm tired I just want to go home eat,sleep,do work and eat again lol.

Dad: Jimin take care of my daughter I kmow this is just arranged marriage but she's worth more than diamonds.
Jimin: Of course I would take care of her sir really well and treasure her like a diamond *smirk*.
Dad:Ohhh Jimin pls do call me dad

So yup this is it if i say I do I can't go back and i will be Park Y/N no more Kim Y/N

Priest: Park Jimin do you take Kim Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife and would love each other in sickness and in health
Jimin: Yes, I do!!

ohhh my holly molly shiteu this is it

Priest: Kim Y/N do you take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband and love each other in sickness and in health.

uggghhhh IDK uhhmmm I wanna say No but everyone would be disappointed.Then I felt a slightly push then I looked at Jimin and he was looking me with a tell yes you idiot.Uuggghhh Fine

Y/N: Y-yes I do!!!

Priest: You may now kiss the bride

ohhh my coconuts I forgot about this but then I just saw Park Jerkmin smirking what now huh mahhnn your so dead later.

Then he started leaning in until i felt something soft in my lips ohhh my gawwdd then I slightly pushed him so he could stop.

People started cheering when we kissed so no one notice that I pushed him away from me.

Time Skip
So yup we're here in the wedding party.So much people so much midea and alot of people were congratulating us.

Y/N: Jimin can we go home now pls I'm really tired.
Jimin: uhhmm ok but lets to mom and dad first ok and tell then we're going home. And plus they told me that they are gonna give something to us ok.
Y/N: Ok Ok fine lets go.

Then we went to my parents and his parents.

Jimin: Mom,can we go home now Y/N wants to go home and she says that she's tired and want to sleep.
Mr. Park: of course you can go but first here's your key for your new house and the driver will send you there.
Mrs.Park: and all of your things are there so no need to worry about anything.

Then you hug your parents and Jimin's parents.

We arrived in our new house wahhhh daebak it bigger than our previous house ohh my gawwddd I fell like a queen.

So I went straight inside then I asked Jimin where is our bedroom or my bedroom but he said ohhh yeah we're sharing room*wink wink**smirks*. Then he lead the way and I went shower right away so I could sleep.

I went out and saw Jimin in bed ready to sleep but then he saw me and told me something.

Jimin: Ohhh yeah tomorrow we have a special visitor so I want you to go out or go stag here and I might use to guest room mmmhh kay and then our marraige don't worry we will get divorced until I get the company of my dad. And now we mind our own business and we won't tell anyone we're married in school only people who are gonna know are your friends and my friends and that's it.
Y/N: ohhh ok

Then we both slept me in the right him in the left and not facing each other but then I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to drink water and head back in our room.

I know this is short I just really wanna update you guys and I won't promise the next episode will be out soon cuz I have so much exams coming up and project and I'm really exhausted. I kept over thinking and if this episode is bad and boring and so sad I'm sorry cuz I'm depressed and heartbroken now.

~Your author-nim

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