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We have arrived so yup I will take my surgery in 6 day from now.I hope it's gonna be successful.I'm so happy that Jimin and I are together.

Jimin:"Babe!!where are you lets eat,"said Jimin.
Y/N:"I'm here!!Ok ok I'm coming,"said Y/N.

??? p.o.v
Finally I have arrived I also checked in the hotel they are in I'm gonna suprise them after 3 days and her surgery is in 6 days hahahh I'm excited so excited Jimin you will love me like you did.

Back to Y/N's p.o.v
After eating we went to our room and watch a movie while cuddling this is the best feeling ever.I never knew I will fall for him.It feels so good I hope he isn't joking around with my feelings.

Jimin:"Babe,I love you."
Y/n:"Jimin I love you too, babe what if I die because of the surgery."
Jimin:"Babe!!Don't say that you will live long ok god won't take you away from me ok,"he said.
Y/N:"Do you really love me pls don't lie to me because I don't want to get hurt because your lying to me Park Jimin."

Jimin's p.o.v
Y/N what are you saying.But do I really love her.Ahhhh Jimin, I don't know myself too Y/N.I'm also confuse about my feelings towards you.

Jimin!!Jimin!!Babe!!CHRISTIAN CHIM CHIM!!!

Jimin: "Ohh what is going on."
Y/n:*laughing* "Haha!!I can't breathe I need oxyjin did you know I could you Christian Chim Chim and you freaking respond,while when I said your name you didn't respond."
Jimin: "Ayyee this girl."

Y/N's p.o.v
I can't stop laughing but then my chest started aching so badly.


Jimin: "What is going on babe are you ok,"he said.*worried*
Y/N:"Jimin my chest hurts ahhhh!!"

Then Jimin gave me water trying to calm me down my pain in the chest started fading after 15 min.

Jimin's p.o.v
After a short heart attack of Y/N she fell asleep. She's in so much pain right now. I can't hurt her she's to weak. I just realize that I love Y/N as a bestfriend and nothing more.I still love her my first love no one can replace her in my heart.

Jimin: "I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean lying to you that I love you maybe I just felt sorry for you and want you to get better fast I'm sorry I don't love you as my lover I love you as a bestfriend and nothing more I'm sorry for lying.I wish you forgive me if only I'm confident telling you all of this face to face but your in so much pain right now I'm sorry that I'm not the guy who will love you more than you do."

authornim's p.o.v.
Little did Jimin know that Y/N is still awake.After Jimin said all of that he fell asleep but as soon as he fell a sleep Y/N started crying.

"Why Jimin why??Pls tell me what is wrong with me ahhhh why did I expect that he will love me. Y/N what happen to that girl who hates boys and will never fall in love with playboys huh what happen.Kim Y/N you fell for his trap why did you trust him easily.Ahhhhhh Park Jimin ok lets just be friends and nothing more its ok for me its ok. I won't get affected I'm strong than you thought," She said while sobbing.

next morning
Y/N woke up did her morning routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for both of them.

While she was frying bacon she felt someone hugging her from behind.

"Jimin,pls let go and take a sit we are gonna eat,"she said.*sadly*
"Hey,what's wrong tell me,"asked Jimin.*worriedly.
"Jimin nothing is wrong ok, everythimg is cool,"she said.
"No, something is wrong and I could feel it tell me Y/N and stop lying,"he said."You know what's wrong us, we are wrong Jimin I heard everything last night you freaking made me assume that you love me, but it's just because I am in so much pain, you didn't have to fool me.I'm tired of people lying in my face were you happy that I freaking fell for you huh. Freaking fell for your game that you made from the beggining, yes I know you are a playboy and I am your target and because I look easy to play.Fucking tell me why is my life so miserable, but its ok I'm used to being use by people and people betraying me ok.Ohh yeah ok we can be friends you should have just told me that since the beginning so it won't hurt this much.I hope your satistfied that you freaking made me fall for you Park Jimin you won the game Park Jimin it's game over,"she said.*sobbing* (Breathing heavily)
"I-i Y/N I'm sorry I."

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