Yoongi's house

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authors p.o.v
Yoongi: "So this is your room and if you need anything feel free to go to my room it's just beside this room,"Yoongi said.
Y/N: t-thank y

But she wasn't able to finish what she said because she fainted. Then Yoongi caught her before she fall in the cold floor.He put her in bed and touch her forehead and she had high fever.Yes Y/N forgot for a fact that she was sick and a lot of things happen to her just in one day.

Yoongi's p.o.v
I took care of Y/N she had high fever. She look so pale.Ahh Jimin I swear to god you don't know how to treat girls.
Y/N-ah if only you could be mine.Yes I love you since the day we met each other but then I was unlucky that you will be Jimin's wife.If only I could take you away from him,if only you could see that I love you.

Next morning
Y/N still didn't wake up so I got more worried. So I called a doctor to make check up for her if she's fine.

Doctor:"She's fine but the cause of her fainting is she has high fever and she didn't eat anything in the past few days".And here are the medicine that she's gonna take when she wakes up and pls take care of her,"Doctor said.
Yoongi:"Thank you so much and I appreciate everything,"Yoongi said happily.

Y/N's p.o.v
Y/N is her dream land there she see a field of flowers then she started walking and feeling the breeze.Then she stop walking and she saw a guy standing but she wasn't able to see because his back is just showing he was about to turn around but then she woke up.

Huh where am I then I sat up looking around trying to remember things,finally I remember.Then the door opens.

Yoongi:"Oh!!finally your awake its been 2 and half day,"Yoongi said worriedly."And here eat this porridge and drink your medicine after eating ok",Yoongi said.
Y/N:"Hmm,Thank you Yoongi for taking care of me,"Y/N said.
Yoongi:"Of course,I will do everything to protect you Y/N.I hope you could just be mine pls be mine Y/N-ah,"Yoongi said sadly.
Y/N:"I-idk,I'm sorry I can't see you as my lover Yoongi I'm so sorry I hope I know why but I'm so confuse right now,"Y/N said.
Yoongi:"I understand your descision I'm sorry if I had high hopes with you being mine,It's Ok!!"Yonngi said.*without looking me*
Y/N:"Yoongi,I think I have to go home now,"Y/N said.
Yoongi:"Let me drop you home," Yoongi said.
Y/N:"Ahh,Yoongi no its ok I don't want more problems,"Y/N said.

Time skip
So yup I'm here standing infront of our house for 30 min already.And finally I decided to insert the key in the door nub and open the door.I walk inside hoping I won't see him with Tzuyu.Yes I fucking admit it I love him.I fucking love this fucking jerk.I wish I can be happy with him ahhhh lets stop here. But why did I even have high hope of course she was there.A tear escape from my eyes but before they look at me I quickly wipe my tears.I hope Jimin you will also cuddle with me like that. I wish we could watch movie while I'm in your arms.

Tzuyu:"Oh!!Bitch why are you here?"She said.*bitch tone*
Y/N:"What!! I also live here stupid pls use your brain.Ohhh wait you don't have one,you know what talking to you is waste of my time,"Y/N said.
Jimin:"Where have you been it been 3 day Y/N,"he said.*yelling*

Then I ran going to our room.Then I jump in bed crying hard until I can't breathe.Jimin why tell me why pls stop doing this to me I'm tired.

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up with a headache I went to restroom to take shower then I fucking have swollen eyes ohhh my gawwdd.Then I went downstairs in the kitchen then made dinner for me.
I feel someone hugging and of course its him ahhhh no heart pls stop I'm tired.

Jimin:"I miss you my jagi,"he said.
Y/N:"Let me go pls Jimin I'm tired so tired pls stop I don't have the strength to argue now,"she said.*tear escape*

Then she wipe it and remove Jimin's hand then she started eating. She stood up to wash the dishes but before she reach the sink she fainted.

Jimin's p.o.v
After hugging her I went to the living room to give her space but then I heard plate shattering. Then I started running and saw Y/N lying in the cold floor. I carried her to our bedroom and called our private doctor.

Doctor:"She have a heart disease she needs a surgery,but then she needs to go to the states to have it.She needs it quick or else she might die I'm sorry,"doctor said.
Jimin:"Thank you doctor,"he said. *worriedly*

The doctor left.Jimin is so worried Y/N-ah I have things to tell you.

So yup thank you for the people reading my ff. I'm sorry if I have alot of mistakes.Pls do follow me and pls comment anything even ask me Question I will try my best to answer them.Make sure to comment ok thank you and I love you. And comment what will I call you guys.


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