Chapter 4

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Mechaila's POV

Me: just lower down your voices and keep a low profile... we dont wanna be seen.

Maria: you think were idiots you brainless bitch?

Ruth: No time to be arguing... lets just follow her. And remember, this wasnt my plan at all. I was simply following you people

Maria: well then it wont be our fault that you followed us.

Im Mechaila.
Surname, "Trevers"

Im the youngest in our squad. They call me duck for I have a big mouth pout. Anyways...

Right now, we're slowly following a mysterious friend of ours. Jillian. Jillian Zeklov. A mysterious friend of ours. Not only is she mysterious but is incredebly rich. But a bit ignorant at times.

Where are we you ask?

At a place where only autherised personel can come in. And a place where its heavily guarded. I knew this was a bad Idea. But, There's no turning back now since going back would be a risk.

We nerviously snuck in the place without thinking about the consequences until we realised that it was totally a very bad Idea to follow her around. Now, we dont even know where were going because we lost sight of her and we're like lost rats trying to find food that is nowhere to be found.

So instead of going back, we had to move foreward.

Justin: ma mom's gonna kill me if I go to jail...

Maria: well.... YOLO!

*sigh* Biggest regret in my life....

We wandered around the place to find an open space and luckily we did. Unfortunately, it was near the building's dumping site.

Mechaila: hou god it smells really bad

Justin: its smells just like your fart...

Mechaila: Why dont you smell your own ass would ya'

Ruth: okay we're free... now what?

Maria: since we're here, why dont we just contact Jill and tell her what really is going on.

Ruth: yeah but what if sh-

Our hearts were beating so fast because we were scared of what might happend. It was indeed our biggest regret in life. Now we cant turn back. Were gonna be thrown in jail for sneaking in. In fact, Maria was almost in tears. All we could do is to wish that no one will ever see us.

But just as Ruth was about to finnish her sentence, our wishes were never granted. A security guard opened the door in the room where we were hiding. We all were shocked. He looked at us and started questioning us.

We wanted to explain to him what really was going on but he kept on adding and repeating some questions, not giving us the oppertunity to speak. He would cut half way in our explenations and in every question, his voice gets louder. Maria was clearly scared. I knew she wanted to cry for a while now

And so she did. Because of that stupid security guard. She started crying and when she did, the guard took his communication device and started talking to it while I just sat at the side, speechless and in shock, comforting Maria.

I was guilty though.

We never should have snuck in. The sign outside the gate was so big that everyone could see it from afar. 'Restricted area'

Thats what the sign said. But we abided the rules. The next thing we know is that 5 more securities, dressed in black clothing, came rushing to us and asked us to follow them. Maria couldnt stop crying at all.
But we followed them anyways.

We were brought to a room where securities where lined up just outside. We were then asked to step inside the room and follow direction given. As we did, we saw a person who was a female, sitting down at the couch like she was at home.

"Please take a seat over their."

She kindly told us while pointing at the long couch right infront of her. We did exactly as she told. Maria on the other hand, couldng stop sobbing but tries to.

"Now, I would like to ask why and how did you children trespass in our territory?"

Justin: w-we wa-were actually... following a..a person I mean our friend and went inside here... we thought that she snuck into t-this place and so... we did a-aswell.

Justin couldnt even talk properly.

"A friend? About your age I suppose... listen, I'm gonna let you go this time. The next time you do, its jail for you."

What she said relieved us and we were very thankful. We slowly stood up right after she did. She oppend the door. we were hesitant to even go out because we were still shocked. I was infront of the 3 of them and so I had the advantege of hearing what the others were talking about.

"I let them go. Its best if we dont tell Boss bout'dis."

"What if they come back ey?"

"Dont worry they wont. Just escort them out."

The irish talking female then walked away. I, however, still kept my shocked expression on. We were then escorted out the place with nothing but silence. The gates opened and we rushed patiently outside. As soon as we stepped out, they shut the gate closed, leaving us speachless outside the street.

Ruth: what.... did we.... just do?...

Justin: we shouldnt have followed her...

Mechaila: I was simply following you people since I didnt want to be left out...

Ruth: lets... just not blame anyone of us here. We were all curious so we had no choice. Lets just stay quiet about this....

We all agreed to keep this our little secret. Even to Jill. I looked at my watch to find out that it's 6:49. I told my farewells to them and so did they.
We went to the directions leading to our homes. I walked to the usual path I take from that area while the memories from awhile ago flooded my head.

As it did, a smirk suddenly crept on my face. I let out a sigh "Squad goals"
I said to particularly no one but myself. Making sure that it was enough for only me to hear. After a few minutes of walking through the peaceful streets, I finaly reached my dorm.

Come to think of it, me, Ruth and Maria are the only ones who live in a dorm. Justin still lives with her parents. While Jill... I think she has her own house now. Just nearby school. Like I said, she is mysterious. So I dont really know alot about her.

Going back, I opened my room exosted but a bit happy. I dont why but thats just me. Being wierd as always. I closed the door once I was in and quickly went into the CR to take a quick shower. The stench of those garbeges were still stuck in my clothes not to mention my whole self.

Once I was done with my quick shower, I turned of the lights in my room and hopped in my comfortable but small bed. I looked up the ceiling and started thinking about things.

"What am I doing with my life..." I giggled over that thought as those memories flooded through my head again.

After many memories evaided my head, I finaly decided to close my eyes until I finaly fell asleep.


Hey pepol!
Si basically I had no thoughts at all. I decided to use a different writting style to write this story.

And I decided to shorten every chapter unlike the last chapters wich are very long.

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter...


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