Chapter 8

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Its been 2 days since the festival and Jill was marked absent twice on the records. Nobody knows where she is. Some wondered the same thing. They thought that she would eventually just come back in the nick of time. But I guess they were wrong.

Dead wrong.

The first period was English and it was the day the Performance task should be passed. The performance task was about recording yourself doing your speech. Theh were able to do it last week. Although today is the day where the projects should be sent to the teacher. It was a good thing that Jill sent her video to her seatmate since she wasnt around.

Since her seatmate was her partner, she asked her to pass her work for her. Fortunately, she agreed. "Where's Jill anyways? " her seatmate muttered to herself. "Iman! " she heard a voice, calling for her from the back. "It's been 2 days. So incase you know, why is Jill absent? " A girl named Dana asked. "I was just asking the same thing. "

"Well since you dont know, then I guess I'll just ask Paula. " Dana added before she left and asked Paula. The second person who sits close to Jill. But unfortunately, she doesnt know either. Iman was able to pass both of their works to the teacher. When the bell rang for recess, she decided to ask Mechaila instead since she was her closest friend in the classroom. "Mika, do you know why Jill's absent?" Iman asked but got a reply she never expected.

"I dont know why either. She said that she'd be home by friday but its already Tuesday. She dislikes being absent. It isnt like her at all." Iman's thoughts we're scrambled after knowing that even her bestfriend doesnt know. She simply went back to her seat and decided to study for the test on the next subject.


2 days have passed and Jillian is still marked absent on the records. Her classmates were wondering where she is. But still, they still knew she would come back. They were hoping that when she does, she would bring some chocolates and whatever stuff. The school was peaceful and each class was the same as usual.

Nothing exiting was expected to happend. Nor something, Disturbing. All was well as usual. By 9:30 a. m, the bell that most students were waiting for finally rang. It was time for recess. Students came out of their classrooms to do things they want to do. Mechaila and the others did the same. They met up at their meeting place wich was infront the classroom of Mechaila and Jill's. But the 4 of them were to lazy to go down so theu decided to just stay their and chat.

Obviusly chat about Jill being absent for already 4 days straight. "Wonder why?" Maria threw a question at herself and at us. "Maybe she got sick that's all." Justin concluded. "Remember when she got sick last year with a temperature of 40.2 but then she went to school on the next day? I dont think she would be absent now if its just a little fever." Ruth Added, defending herself from Justin's statement. And because of that, our heads were itching to know why.

After 15, minutes of disscussing about it, they decided to just head back to their classrooms since 5 minutes were left before the bell will ring. Mechaila went back to her seat and started studying for the test. She then kept her notes oncr she heard the bell. On the middle of the disscussion, the principal announced something on the school speakers wich scilenced everyone. She asked the vice-president and presidenf of each class to go to the covered courts for the pledging ceremony.

The pledging ceremony is when the VP and the P are pledging to take good care of the class on Class recollection. Its something that we have every year. We all said our good lucks to them since the program contains a little challenge. Both our VP and president went out with smiles on their faces. With Samuel as our Vice and Katrina as our President, nothing's impossible.

they hoped...

Just as the 2 went out, the students on each class went silent since they didn't have anything to do but wished their representatives luck. As silence was the only thing that was left, a loud bang was heard just near the classroom of Mechaila and was followed by a scream of a girl. It sounded like she saw something she never wanted to see. because of that, all the students came rushing out of their classrooms to see whats going on.


Mechaila's POV

a loud bang outside was heard and so everyone rushed outside to see what it was including me. I stepped outside the classroom and already saw a crowd standing around something on the floor. since I couldn't see anything, I tried squeezing in the crowd by pushing them aside. Halfway through the crowd, I stood frozen on where I was as I noticed that I stepped on something I didn't expect to see.

I looked down and there I saw a red gush of liquid flowing to my direction. Students near me slowly backed out as the red liquid slowly flows to their direction. I looked forward to see where the red liquid came from. And just as I never hoped to see, right in front of me was a body with no Life. It was the source of the red liquid that flowed across my feet. It was the blood of the person whom I was close to in class. Nika.

Nika is my seat mate. She kinda reminds me of Maria. Short but noisy. I cant believe I'm seeing her lifeless body infront of me. It was indeed a terrible sight. I never imagined that she would be the victim. I looked at her body that was lying on the floor and noticed that a bullet hit her. A few minutes passed, police and an ambulance can be heard from outside. The principal then came running towards the area where the dead body was together with a few police men and medics.

I remembered. She went to the infirmary before this period started. She told me that she wasn't feeling herself today. I guess she was planning to go back to class but got shot in the abdomen instead. The medics checked her pulse if she was still alive but I already knew that she wasn't. They carried her body to the ambulance and is taken somewhere while the policemen started their investigation about the incident.

I was spacing out as I watched her body being taken away. Not until the police told me to move out since they were putting up a barrier in which the students and other faculty and staff aren't allowed to cross. So I slowly moved backward, still having my shocked expression on my face. My eyes couldn't believe that a friend of mine died and that I would see the manner of her death. She did absolutely nothing to deserve this.

But why?

Why was she shot?

Who would do such?

I will never forget this feeling of hatred towards someone...


'Someone that will forever haunt me in my dreams'


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