Chapter 3

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I woke up noticing that I'm not looking at the usual ceiling I see Everyday I wake up. I listened to my sorroundings and noticed that I'm hearing a wall clock tick and remembered that I din't have one. The softness of the pillow was different and the room was a lot colder.

I glanced to my right only to see the sorroundings different. A few minutes later, a girl came out from the door and looked at me."oh your finaly awake thank heavens." She placed the cellophane that she was bringing on the table. I looked at her face only to find out that it was Justin.

"What am I doing here?" I said already sitting at her bed, rubbing my right eye. "You don't remember?" She asked, making her stop whatever she's doing. "Not a thing..." I replied now rubbing my left eye. "An explosion occured yesterday dummy and You were hit. Coinsidentaly, I found you lying on the ground and decided to help you. You should be thankful at least! Its a good thing my parents are out of town." She stated making me remember what happened yesterday.

"Oh yeah... I remember... how did you carry me? Cuz I remember that you can't even carry me the last time I fainted at school." I asked. "Well from the exploded site, I asked help from the lady medic. Then when I arrived here, I simply dragged you to my room."

" dragged me? thanks anyways." A streak of silence came for about a minute until Justin said that Mechaila and Maria are coming just as someone savagely knocked on the door. Justin went for the door and opened it, yelling to Mechaila "you can't wait can you? This my room so u have no rights Duck!"

Then Mechaila crazily replied "I have human rights ehihihi." Justin just rolled her eyes and opened the door wider letting the two girls at the door in. Mechaila walked in and placed the cellophane that she was bringing in the table while Maria walked in with her sight on her phone.

Maria then turned her phone off and ran towards me with a smile. "Ruthie!" She jumped on the bed making my body ache. Justin whined about us being incomplete. True, it is boring when we're not complete. "Yeah... too bad Jillian's not here. She looks pretty booked up awhile ago."

"Wait you saw her awhile ago?" Justin asked closing the door. "Me and Mechaila saw her awhile ago actually." I stated having Mechaila call everyone's attention at the room. "Oh yeah. We saw her awhile ago at the Coffeeshop and and and and and we saw her.... dating.... with someone!"

"Dating!?~" Maria questioned her statement. "Well at least thats what we think. The last thing we know is that another girl showed up and hugged the guy she was dating. And I bet the loads of paper she just signed were something to fill up her schedule." I added more information.

"Loads of papers signed? C'mon, she's only twelve and now she's signing loads of papers at a young age?" Maria stated which also had a point. "Well maybe that was something important she had to deal with. She doesn't really tell us much stuff so basically we don't know. We don't even know if she's a catholic or not. I don't even know if she's gonna tell us what that was."

Mechaila said, making all of us speechless. "Why don't we go visit her?" Maria suggested making Mechaila and Justin agree to her desicion. "I think that's a bad Idea guys." I stated but didn't change their minds at all.

"C'mon it's just a few minute visit." Justin added. The three stood up, preparing to go while I tried to stop them but unfortunately failed in doing so. "Alright alright I'll go" I decided to go with them anyways.

Once we were outside Justin's room, we argued on what place Jillian is at the moment and finaly agreed on where she might be. We all know where she might be at the moment, Larce's dorm. Since she's not at her dorm right now, we predicted that she might be at his house.

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