Chapter 11

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Maria's POV

It's been half an hour and our math teacher hasn't arrived yet. I sat on my seat doing nothing. I simply waited patiently for our teacher like nothing happend. I looked outside the back door and saw Paula dashing towards their classroom. But I just went back to my simple-calm state. A few minutes later, the principal rang a warning bell wich silenced the whole school. "May I have your attention please." He then started to speak after receiving silence from the students around the campus.

"I have an announcement to make. Class will be canceled for the afternoon." The students yelled in joy knowing that class was canceled but I had the feeling that he wasn't done with his speech yet and turns out I was right. "Although all the students must remain at the campus the whole afternoon. You are not to leave your classrooms and class officers, please assist your class to the best behaviour. And please be aware of other further notices. Thats all thank you."

Some of the classrooms started making noise maybe because they were happy or maybe because they were complaining. Some classes managed to stay silent after the announcement. Although in my case, I don't think that my classroom is not gonna stay silent for some time no matter how hard the class president tries to shut us up. But I simply remained calm in my seat writing stuff on an empty page in my notebook while thinking about theories why class was canceled this afternoon. After a while, the students were able to come down.

Everyone was silwent but not totally silenced. Some were still whispering but that was fine. I tried writting a something on one of my notebook pages but it was to ugly for me and so I decided to throw it away. I took the page out, crumpled it and went up for the trash bin. I walked slowly towards the trash bin since the Breeze that crept in the window felt so amazing and the trash bin was just under the windows. So I took this opportunity to relax myself from all the noises and stress from sitting on my chair, doing nothing but placed more knowledge in my storage-full brain.

I reached for the trash bin and peeked a little to the window at the back to see the nature instead of the hellish classroom filled with an era of helpful but destructive knowledge. As I peeked through, I could see a commotion that is currently going on outside. I looked further down and there I saw an ambulance, a police car and all the Teachers and staff in one certain area. I stayed at the back window to see what really is going on. The ambulance door was open so I tried looking what-No-WHO was inside but unfortunately, the feet was the only thing that was poking out of the ambulance with open doors.

Just like watching a thrilling movie, I relaxed myself, leaning against the windows, looking out to the crowded area as the air brushes my shoulder-length hair through the window. I tried understanding the commotion to get a hint of what was going on. But instead of receiving my desired knowledge about it, my head was left empty of ideas. I stayed in that spot for a couple more minutes to see if I could find knowledge to what I was looking for. "Le Blanc. To your seat if you don't mind." I wanted to see more of the commotion but the president in our class called me to sit down.

I stared at her for a moment, deciding weather I should watch more about what's going on or simply go back to my seat and enjoy a little time to myself. Instead of choosing either both, I pointed down the window and yelled through the room. "Think you should see something down here." The president then came Down from the Teachers seat; where she was sitting before she came down and jolted towards me with a confused look on her face. "Look there" I said. As soon as her eyes followed the tip of my fingers, she wondered the same thing. "What the hell--" after those words, she dashed outside the classroom, passing at the nearest exit wich was the back door, and looked around the empty hallways.

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