Chapter 9

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Its been 2 days since the incedent happend. Classes were disbanded yesterday. But today, I had to wake up early and prepare for school. I was just finnishing up with my uniform until someone knocked on my room. "Who's outside? " I yelled to the person who gently knocked on my door. "Its Mechaila. I Just need a word if thats alright. " There must be something she reallh need to tell me. It was actually the firstime I ever heard her knock on my door.

I opened the door and saw her already in her uniform and was ready to go to school. And in her hand was a shoe box that I think was mine. "Wadup Angel. Anyways. Here's the box that Nika wanted to give you since Monday. She said that you left it in her locker but she keeps on forgeting to bring it. So I decided to just give it to you instead." I took the box that she presented to me and I remembered that it was the box filled with chocolates that we stole from Samuel.

"Thanks anyways." After that, We said our farewells. I closed the door in my room and placed the box on my bed. Knowing that there was still time before class starts, I decided to Open the box. There I saw the many chocolates we worked hard to get. A tear almost ran down my face as I recalled the good times we had. But as who I am, instead of tearing up, a simple smile came out of my face. "Welp, thats all for now. Gota go to school." I murmured to myself closing the box and placed it on the fridge.

I know its wierd to put a box in the fridge but I had no choice since it was almost time for class.

When I was just entering the school entrance, I already heard murmurs about what they call 'The Dead girl' I mean seriuosly, you could just say her name. But I didnt give a fuck about it. I simply went pass those people and continued walking to the classroom like nothing even happend. Once I arrived, I stopped at the door for a second and looked at the empty seat that was at the back. "She's still absent?" I thought to myself then was reverting my attention to the seat beside Mechaila.

"Rest in peace Nika" after those words came out of my mouth, I went directly to my seat and sat down waiting for classes to finally start. I had to say, the class wasn't the usual class I see everyday. Noisy, chaotic and smiling. Today I saw silent people. Just focusing on whatever buisness they have. They just sat at their seats and had nothing but blank expressions on their faces. Being me, I yelled out "Hey'all people" in a jokingly manner to set the mood but only a few responded.

I never thought that this will ever happend. I thought that in a few days, they would just forget about her and her death. But I guess I was wrong. Since they were all silent, I had no choice but to stay silent as well. No one was evem interacting with each other like what is going on? Just a few minutes after, The bell for the first subject rang. And so the teacher came in. This time, all the teachers went in the room. All the teachers that handle our class. They formed a row infront of us and asked us to sit down wich we all did.

Then one started talking wich was our moderator. Everyone was sooo silent. Even the teachers infront of us. "So as of this subject, we gathered here to respect our dead classmate. Not just any classmate but a family, Nika Prellon who died because of a gun shot. So let us all say our prayers and blessings to her." Silently, we all held our hands, forming a circle and stated our prayers. Some even started to cry silently. We were all sad. Sad from loosing a person we consider a family.

While we said our prayers, from the corner of my eye, I could see someone standing at the back door, leaning on the edges while looking at us pray. But I couldnt quiet tell who since I didng want to look back and I wanted to fully pay my respects. So I didnt want to get distracted.


Mechaila'$ P0\/

I still couldnt believe that one of my classmates died from a gunshot. It was pretty disappointing loosing someone close to you. Well the 3 of us, Justin and Maria, had a fight with Ruth and now we lost her until now. We don't even say a single word when we pass by each other. But that doesn't the pain I felt when I lost my seatmate was worse. Well to be honest, I didn't give a shit about losing Ruth anyway. It was her falt that she walked out without any reason.

I never felt pain when we lost her. I was actually mad at her for saying that we keep on ignoring her. Like if we ignored her, then why the fuck do we keep waiting for her during lunch? She does not have logic. Seriously... She's so triggering. And now she's playing the 'hard to get' kind of person. Like we'd ever fall for that. Its so...


But that aside, I really want to know who that person is. Leaning on the door like he knows us. Oh wait. Its a SHE. That does not matter. Who is she? Just as the person started to walk away, I tilted my head towards her and saw half of her body. "Jill??" I said in my head. She did look like her. I wanted to follow that person but I cant. Im in the middle of a prayer!!. Just bad luck.

After a few minutes, they start to end the prayer. "Rest well Nika" those were my last words to her as a friend. A close friend. Then I asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom and luckily I was allowed to go. I dashed outside to the direction where the girl went. I looked for her everywhere and when I turned to a corner, I saw the girl going outside the school registers-Office. My guess was indeed right it was Jill. I dashed towards her but she walked fast.

She walked like she knew I was following her. She turned to the corner that leads to the exit. Then when I did, she was gone. Like she was just a ghost or something. I was certain that I saw Jill. My eyes dont lie! What is she doing in this time? She should be in her school uniform and joining js for prayer but what the hell is she doing? I looked at the time in my watch and it was past 5 minutes. "Crap! No one goes to the restroom for more than 5 minutes... Unless of course....... NvM!"

I ran as fast as I can back to my classroom and I think I was on time. No lessons were disscussed at the moment. Just our miderator disscussing about our friend in heaven. Bug I was disturbed by the fact that I saw Jill awhile ago and was not joining classes. Thats so unlike her. So the whole period, we did'nt disscuss a single lesson and then the bell for recess rang. I walked outside to meet up with Justin and Maria. Once I found them on the nearby stairs, they rushed to me with shock expressuons.

"Hey! Hows it in ur class?!"

"Whag happend anyways?!"

"Why was she shot?!"

"Are you sad?!"

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