Chapter 12

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The sun's rays shined through the window wich woke me up. I looked to my clock and saw the time; 5:37. It was pretty early so I still had the time to do things like maybe watch TV or something. After doing a little activity to spice up the morning, I decided to go and take a shower since time was running. I looked at the mirror, studying my face and other features. "My hair is pretty long now huh..." I took a deep breath and then took a quick shower.

After doing all the necessary things for school, I went off. I made sure that all the windows were closed and the doors since no one would be home later on until next week since my parents are visiting my sick grandmother. From there I walked to school, enjoying the peaceful breeze that was passing through me. A few blocks passed, I finally reached school. I crossed the road and was now facing the school entrance. Going in the gates, a person I know called me from behind.

"Yo justin! Today's your math long test right? Welp, good luck!" Mary yelled. As a reply, I simply yelled back an annoyed 'thanks'. Mary has a big mouth and based on the situation every student is facing now, she never changed who she was back then. I continued walking in the campus, through the stairs and on the buisy halls until I reached my classroom. I sat on my usual chair that was on the back waited for the teacher to come in.

While waiting, thoughts about Jill flooded my mind. Why'd she have to die? How could she leave us here suffering from the curse that was bestowed on us. A few minutes later, our teacher came in bringing the test questionares. I was nervious since the subject we were about to answer was math. The test questionares were passed at the back. I scanned through the paper quickly and noticed that some of the items in the questionare was not so familliar for me wich made my heart throb faster.

In recieving the answer sheet, I wrote my name, Justin Mhilah. The section, 3-P and lastly, the date. August 27 2018. After writing the date, it made me think back at that time the curse started wich was 2 years before. I never imagined that it would last this long. Nobody from the outside even knows about this thing. But in order for me not to waste time, I started answering the test and tried to focus. I was thankful though that there were alot of items from the test that were easy enough for me to answer.


An hour has passed and we were asked to pass our papers in front. My classmates, including me, did exactly what we were told to do with the bell joinning in with the noise made by us as we passed our papers. Once all of us were able to pass our papers, we all raced to the door, exiting the classroom and enjoy our little break. This time, I walked towards the lockers in a slow pace without waiting for the three of them. I studied the whole area and realized that the place wasnt the same as it was 2 years ago.

As I recall, the place was filled with noisy students, joyfull smiles and real laughters. But now, noisy students turned to silent types. Joyfull smiles turned to depressing frowns and real laughters turned to silent fears. Including me. To be honnest, I am scared to what may come. And it was very clear that others were too. I reached the locker and took my books for the next subject. English and History. Returning, I still walked in a slow pace until the bell rang. I dashed through the stairs as fast as I can since I remembered that english was next and Sr. Donn didnt want late students.

He is pretty strict. I arrived and sat on my chair as quickly as I could. Exhosted, I gasped for air. Luckily, our teacher hasnt arrived yet. An hour of boring lessons were given to us and I had no choice but to forcibly open my eyes as I suffered from the sleepiness thats overwellming me. It also happend when History came. It was all so boring until the bell for lunch rang. My mood changed as soon as the sound of the bell went in my ears. I quickly dozed off from what I was doing and happily took my things for lunch.

I went out and waited for the 3 of them to come out. Lunch as the topic, we decided to go lunch at the nearby mall, just blocks away from the school. We walked out the gates, laughing about random things. It was indeed hot but it didnt bother us the least. We arrived at the mall and pretty much saw what we expected. Other people stared at us like were some kind of threat. Like a bomb about to explode. Almost all of them gave us cold stares. Yes, it happends. People staring at us. Our school is famous for having so mush deaths. Students who tried exaping school or telling others.

From 1800 students, only 786 are left. Many tried different methods in escaping or telling others. Like texting someone, jumping off the fence, calling security guards. But all of them dropped dead like nothing happend. Many people were afraid to come to our school since they were scared. I mean come on, this used to be a top university. Ranked 2nd place and now, we look like garbage to them. We looked around silently and noticed that some even whisppered to each other and I bet they were talking about us.

Ruth seems to be in a good mood somehow. studying the situation, I thinks its not a good time to be until we can find somewhere we can be unoticed. It was pretty embarrassing... The question I had in mind though is how would they know that we've been telling others about school? Rumorse spread saying that someone follows you wherever you go like a hardcore stalker. Creepy if I say so myself. But even so, with all the things thats going on about our school, we are still crazy as hell. Without Jill.....

We reached a restaurant where the stentch of our favorite food can be smelled. Going in, other people did the same. Stare at us like were a threat to them. We ordered the usual meal and once we got our lunch, we went to our usual lunch place at the very corner where only less people hang out or eat. In these time of days, we try avoiding the crowd. Whats the point of even being with them if they would do the same. We sat there laughing our butts off from something that may not be funny to other people. But thats just the way we are...

From afar, we did notice people still stating at us. The area we were sitting on was not pretty much noticed by people all the time. But because we were so noisy, we couldnt count that out as one way to be noticed. "Shht... guys I think were being to loud." Mechaila suggested we lower down our voices which made us look to another table filled with boys of 6 who pretty much louder than us. "We're not the only ones" Ruth mouthed, making sure that they wouldnt here her. We were sure that they were from a different school based on their uniforms. But we couldnt quite tell what school it was exactly.

We continued our girl talk and laugh about things that arent funny. A few minutes passed and we noticed that we were the only people who were rebeling the silence that other people loved. Including the boys that were noisy just a few minutes ago. But we didnt mind it at all. Just when we were about to leave, the boys at the other table came up to us with such expressions on their faces like they have highier positions than us. We looked at them with confused looks on our faces. I took a glance at their emblem that was just at the upper right corner. And Im pretty sure that the 3 of them noticed where they came from as well.

They came from Aska High. Went in on us to look for some trouble.


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