OUR tree

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Please let me know what you think? - Need to know if I need to improve or whatever??

I updated as soon as I could, sorry I took so long!!:/



Hazel's POV

I told Rosie everything that just happened in English while we walked to History.
"What so, he proper showed hate for you...then ran away when your hands touched?" She said, taking it all in, checking she's got the details right.
"Yeah! I mean seriously, what's that about?"
"Do you know what else is weird...?" She gave me a funny 'well that's new' look and stopped, standing in front of me to face me.
"What?" I asked, nervous now.
"That you want to know WHY he ran off when your hands both touched..."
Shit. She's right though. All I've found myself doing recently is worrying about stuff he's done and if it has a meaning...crap.
"Okay. You really need to help me!" I said, begging her, over doing it a bit as I put my hands together like I was praying. She giggled at my little 'act' and slapped my arm playfully.
"Okay, but seriously. Just stop thinking about it! This is Ash, you know what he's like, more than anyone. He's just messing with you. You hate each other and it will and needs to stay that way"
"Yeah, I know, thanks" I said, hugging her before we went of to our lessons.
"MEET ME AT OUR TREE" Rosie screamed just as I walked into the class. We do everyday, yet she still insists on saying it.

I walked down to the field, practically melting in the sun and saw Rosie at the tree already, 'wow she must have ran' I thought to myself.
I got closer and quickly realised, "That's not Rosie..." I whispered, squinting my eyes to get a better look, but their back was turned, leaning against the other side of the tree. All I could make out was the side of a head, a guys head! And an arm and a leg...'Do they not know not to be at OUR tree?' I said to myself, crossing my arms and storming over.

"Uh, excuse me?" I coughed, attempting to grab their attention so they would turn to face me. But, who ever it was just ignored me. Well, nice choice...Note the sarcasm.
"Oi! Who are you, and what do you think you are doing at ma tree?" I said, louder now.
"Who's tree?" He said, turning around.
"You know it baby"
"Baby?? Don't ever fucking 'Baby' me again! What the fuck are you doing here" I yelled. I'm pretty sure my face was red with anger now. I felt like my eyes would pop out?
"I wana talk to -"
"PFFT! As if! You ruined Rosie's life enough you know. Just fuck off" I said, pointing away.
"No, I want to talk to -"
"ASH! Leave"
He looked pissed off, yet upset, like he couldn't finish something that was important, but as if I was going to let him back into Rosie's head...No way. He just sighed and walked away, with his head down.
You know, it kind of felt good to yell at him? It's made sure that I hate him anyway, and I needed to get that stuck in my head.

I hate Ash. It's hate. Always has been, always will be.

"HAZEL!" I heard Rosie shout, I smiled, knowing she'll be able to take my mind of it and turned around to hug her.
When we pulled away I told her who was just at her tree...her reaction was the funniest.

"Well, did he say why?" She asked, after her whole little 'performance, making literally need to pee I laughed so hard.
"Uh, well I'm pretty sure he wanted to talk to you..."
"Me!? Well know I'm curious" She huffed, sitting down.
"Well, stay that way. You're not talking to him, ever" I said, making sure.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. Anyways, I have someone 100 times better" She said, off in a daydream. "And here he comes now" She said as he came around the corner.

I had a weird feeling when I saw them hug each other, how happy they automatically became when they saw each other - I wanna know what that feels like. Guess some people just have to wait.

"Wait, he wanted WHAT?" Kyle shouted the end of his question, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Well thats what Hazel reckons anyway" Rosie quickly added, calming down Kyle?
"Whats the big deal? I sent him off before he caused anymore shit. Chill it" I said, sitting down. But clearly Kyle had other ideas.
"Ugh! This is the end of his stupid little games ..." Kyle ranted as he stormed off to the canteen, where Ash normally is.
Rosie shot me a worried look before picking up my bag and walking after him.
"Alright! I'm coming" I said, jogging to catch up and snatching my bag back. "You know, Kyle is really protective of me, especially with Ash around...I shouldn't have told him" She sighed, shaking her head.
"Hey, it'll be fine! They're friends, he won't do anything" I reassured her as we sped-walked to the canteen, now Kyle was in there already.

We were just outside the door when we heard Kyle shout Ash's name and some chairs scraping the floor.
Rosie barged through the door, I jumped forward to pull her back but she marched of too quickly.

"Leave. My. Girl. Alone" Kyle spat, inches away from Ash who was stood, back against the wall, because of Kyle walking towards him. Ash had a look of confusion on his face. He looked around the room and then his eyes landed on me. He looked as if he realised something and spoke
"And what if I wasn't there to speak to Rosie..." He said, slowly turning to look back at Kyle, no longer at me.
"Why else were you there then?" Kyle asked, sarcastically. Rage building up inside him as his fist balled up. Apparently Rosie didn't see this though as she walked between just as the words "But I wouldn't mind talking to Rosie" left his mouth. He was clearly winding Kyle up and it worked. Just as Kyle lifted his fist up to meet Ash's face, Rosie's got in the way.
"Shit, Rosie!"
Ash's fist collided with Rosie's cheek, sending her straight to the floor. I ran straight over but Kyle was closest and was helping her up, so I took that as a chance to 'talk' to Ash.
"Look what you did! Nice one" I spat. He was just staring at Rosie in shock? With his hand still out.
"I'm so- I don't, can I..." He stuttered, not finishing any of his sentences.
"Ash seriously! All you do is ruin people lives! Everything you do ends up with someone being hurt. And it's been Rosie twice! Just fucking stop. Stop what you're doing and change, or fuck off" I yelled, getting a bit carried away maybe...?

His face sunk and he didn't even try to object. He just sighed and walked out, not looking back.
"What's got into him recently? He's gone soppy" I heard some little year 8 say to his friend. You know what though, he's right. He used to love a fight..he would always argue back...Why did he just walk away from me? He let me win!?

"Well thats new."

The fight was over now, obviously, so people started clearing out the canteen, back to their lunch and I suddenly remembered Rosie was hurt.
I saw her sat on the floor with a cloth pressed against her nose and Kyle was repeatedly apologising, I don't know why, he didn't do anything, again. It's always Ash's fault.
"I'm fine honestly, don't worry babe" Rosie laughed, being brave. That's one thing about Rosie, she never admits she's hurt, even when she broke her arm she didn't say anything until the morning after when her mum noticed it was black...


After Rosie's nose was checked and she was told it wasn't broken, we got told we can leave school early, only 20 minutes early but still. So I walked her back and we were talking about how Ash just, walked off, without even trying to put up a fight, why didn't he bother? - That's what I wanna know.

It's getting weird you know, first he smiles at me, then he runs of when our hands touch, and now this...?

Oh for god sake Hazel stop! You hate each other, remember that.

Why do I feel bad for yelling at him? I've done it hundreds of times before and he argued back, but not this time. Why?

A/N -

:O Hazel's feelings for Ash has changed!! How's that gonna end??;)

There it is, finally, I'm not so sure on it to be honest, but I know the next one will be better:)
Hope you liked it though!

~ Tilly_xoxo


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