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Thanks for the votes!:D Mean a lot:)

What do you think of Rosie's and Kyle's ship name -- 'Kysie'??;) A great idea from a great friend, so FOLLOW HER! - BByles!! Thanks Beth:* xxxx

Hope this chapter isn't to boring, Enjoy!!<3



Hazel's POV

"Quiet! I can't hear anyone" It was Friday morning which only meant one thing...Assembly. But it also means it's the weekend tomorrow!!

We all lined up, in the rain, waiting for the register to be over so we could all go in to the hall.

Rosie's last name started with the same letter as mine, we were lucky like that. It's like fait? Anyway, so she was stood behind in the line. I was just about to walk in, when she shoved her elbow right into my back. Even though I have a thick blazer on, it really, really hurt!

"OW! What was th-" I began to moan, but she cut in.

"Just saw Kyle yeah...and he was proper staring at me, when he saw me see him, he just smiled then looked away!" She squealed. It's like she's fan girling over him...

I was still excited though, not as much as her because it's not me, but I was happy for her.

"Omg! This is so going to happen" I replied, with a big smile, winking at the end.

"God I hope so" She breathed, making me laugh even more.

"Shh! And go in" Our tutor yelled from the door, everyone else had gone in, so we were just stood there, laughing...Embarrassing is an understatement to be honest.

"Good Morning Year 11..." The principal started talking about 'school rules and expectations'...again. She repeats this speech every week, does she not think we get it by now? Then again...I guess people like Ash need hearing it more than once. I zoned out again, thinking about how much I hate Ash. I know I mention it A LOT and you probably get that...I just love bitching about him. And he always seems to be on my mind lately? I'm just saying it's because we had a close 'in counter' when he broke Rosie's heart. He suddenly became part of my life when they went out. That's when we really made it clear we hated each other. But only because I showed it first. He hates me because I hate him and he can't stand the fact a girl actually doesn't like him since he's so cocky he thinks everyone loves him. Well how wrong he is.

I was brought back to reality when I heard the head of year talk about the Ski trip that's in 2 weeks.

"We are going" Rosie whispered beside me, excited. I knew if I spoke the teacher would hear me so I just put my thumb up smiling at her. I'm actually really excited for this! It should be so fun, it's guna be great!

At the end of the assembly we all stacked our chairs and crowded the corridors, waiting for other people to walk to our next lessons with. When I finally got out, I saw Ash, surprisingly stood alone. 'Odd' I though, shaking my head, turning to find Rosie.

Right then I saw why...Kyle was talking to Rosie...They both had smiles on their faces, but seemed awkward? They are so getting close! I can see this going good. I walked over quickly, intrigued in what they're talking about.

"So, are you going on the Ski trip?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, you?" Rosie replied, shyly.


Gosh, this is painful...time for me to step in, bless them.

"Hey Rose, you ready?" I asked, giving her a cheesy grin. She mirrored my action and nodded.

"C ya" Kyle mumbled as we walked away. Rosie quickly stopped, looking over her shoulder.

"Yeah, c ya at lunch?" I saw her fingers cross behind her back, so, being the amazing friend I am...I crossed my fingers too.

"Yeah? Sound" He replied.

As soon as we were round the corner, we jumped up and down, squealing. Excited for her.

Lunch came real quickly, I guess because we're excited? Anyway, we made our way to 'our' tree and was soon joined by Kyle...and Ash.

"Oh fab" I whispered, furrowing my eye brows at Rosie as she giggled at my response. The best lunch as just turned into the worst...

I sat in silence most the time, just listening to them talking...to be honest they have A LOT in common. Way more than I thought actually, they already had loads to talk about, that was a relief. You know what's the cutest thing is though..? That Kyle is so nervous around her. His cheeks keep turning a light shade of pink, and he keeps rubbing the back of his neck, it's sweet.

The bell went, and since I don't have French with Rosie, Kyle decided he'll walk her to her lesson... So I was left with Ash.

"Don't be getting any ideas" I spat, standing up to walk off.

"Ouch! That hurt" He joked, putting his hand to his heart, acting hurt.

"Oh shut up" I hissed, and walked away. He really annoys me, even the little things he does gets on my nerves and then I can't stop thinking about it..Is that weird?




I waited at the gate for Rosie, guessing she would be with Kyle, and I was right. They came towards with smilies on their faces.

"Hey..You guys look a bit to happy" I stated, pointing at their smilies in confusion.

They both just looked at each other, then Kyle nodded at Rosie and she turned to look back at me.

"We're going out" She said as Kyle reached for her hand.

"O.m.g! yay" I squealed, hugging Rosie. She so deserved someone as caring as Kyle, especially after what Ash did.

"Come on, I gotta get home and change...he's taking me to see that film, you know? That film we saw advertised...with that dude from that series" Rosie tried to explain, she's never good at remembering film names, but i'm used to that now.

I shook my head and giggled at her. "No, but never mind. C'mon!" I ordered at the end, snatching her from Kyle's grip and pulling her away. She yelled bye over her shoulder and we walked home.

She literally never stopped talking about him until we got to hers. I did start out by thinking it was a little creepy, but then I couldn't help but feel sad. Would I ever go through something like that? I've never really thought about 'love', but this really got me thinking...

A/N -

What did you think? Comment and let me know!



There is something REALLY intense happening in 2-3 chapters so keep reading!

I'll update soon:D

~ Tilly xoxo

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