I can't decide

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OKAY! First I need to say a MASSIVE sorry for taking so long to update:/ Shit just happened and I wasn't in the mood for ages to write but I made a deal with my best friend so I'm doing it now;) Hope it's worth the wait! :*

Also just want to say thanks for the votes! Really would love you guys to comment what you think though!?

This chapter was rushed a bit, so sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you like it though<3

Chapter 15


Hazel's POV


I've been lay here for hours now, frustrated that I can't sleep when Kyle is sat right next to me snoring...I feel sorry for Rosie. Although she's fast asleep too, i'm actually jealous of them right now. I just want to sleep, i'm knackered but have to much on my mind.

Questions I just want answers to, but i'm the only one who can answer them...And I have no clue - Annoying!

I wish it was filmed or something? So I could see what really happened out there, if I could remember that'd be perfect. I mean, did I really cuddle up to Ash? Thinking about it...I remember waking up and seeing him with me, omg it happened didn't it!?

I decided maybe it'd be helpful if I just focused on remember what happened next.

We walked into a cave...he sat me down.

He lit a fire!

But then what...?

I couldn't remember any further.

As if i'm going to ask him though, how awkward would that be??

'Oh, hi person I hate the most...What happened that night in the cave?' Thinking about this made me smile slightly.

Imagine if he was like 'we kissed' or something...Hang on!


"Hazel you're freezing!"

"I know" I shook, just wanting to be warm, not caring about how.

Ash shuffled along the log we were sat on until he was so close I could feel his body heat on mine. Suddenly all the pain in my body just disappeared. All I could feel was this tingling sensation in my stomach, and all I could relate it to was Ash.

"I'm sorry I didn't just shut up" He said, breaking the silence and my thoughts, taking me by surprise.


"I should have just stopped arguing, I shouldn't have told you to go" He repeated, almost with a hint of regret in his voice.

"Oh" Was all I could say, I wasn't really in the thinking state of mind and all this was just confusing.

His next move shocked me a thousand times more as he leaned in, crashing our freezing blue lips together. A wave of heat came over me and enjoying not being cold anymore, I moved in, totally oblivious to the fact we're kissing.

*End of FlashBack*

"We kissed!" I shrieked in realisation and horror. Rosie's eyes shot open and she looked at me completely gone out.

Kyle on the other hand...remained sleeping like a baby.

"Sorry...Hahha, I just dreamed you said you kissed" Rosie said, laughing.

"No Rosie!" I protested, "I did!" I added, shyly.

"You and...who?" She asked, slightly confused.

I suddenly got a blank feeling and didn't want to answer. I feel like I can't say his name, I don't want to tell her. As soon as Rosie knows, it becomes real. And I don't want it to be, even though it is.

"Hazel?" She said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I have to tell her, she needs to help me out.

"Hazel whats going on?"

I felt my cheeks going red as a ball of heat fused in them, lucky it was dark though.

"Well..." I croaked, clearing my throat so it wasn't so unclear, mainly for the fact I didn't have to repeat myself.

"Ash" I said, real quiet. I said it was dark, and it is...but I could see Rosie's face and so many expressions flashed over it.

"Rosie? Please say something"

"I just- I can't...When?"

"In the cave, I was thinking...and it just all came to me" My voice broke at the end and Rosie came over to the bed.

"Look whatever happened, it wouldn't have meant anything? He might not even remember anyway"

"Maybe I should talk to him, he might remember"

"Uhm...you can't"

"What? Why not?" I asked, taken back by her argumentative tone.

"He's not here..." I was about to ask but she knew i'd ask, so she answered anyway, "He's still out in the mountain..."

"HE'S STILL OUT WHERE!!??" I yelled, not really thinking.

"Hazel, it's okay? We're on it" Kyle replied in calming voice...not really helping though. And since when was he awake? Oh that doesn't matter...

"But Rosie..what, how didn't the ambulance bring him back?" I asked, confused. I'm sure they saw him?

"We don't know...but we'll do something, just don't you worry!" Rosie rushed.

I cannot believe this. I nearly died and I was there for a few hours...he's been there for more than a day now! He'll be dead?

...Why am I so bothered, why do I care so much?

I don't like, like him do I? Nahhh, that's crazy! I wouldn't..I couldn't. I don't...It's Ash, I hate his guts.

"But he saved your life"

But he saved my life...

"Wait, what? Rosie how did you -"

"Hazel i've known you for like years! I know what your thinking" She explained with a warming smile.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes, how the hell does this make things any easier? I don't even know what I feel.

"Hazel you're under loads of stress right now, lets just get you out of here and then we'll see if you feel the same...okay?"

"Yeah, okay"

Soon after the nurse walked in, looking very upbeat with a sweet smile.

"Now, you're Hazel Brunt yes?" She asked, checking my notes at the end of the bed.

"Yep" I replied simply.

"Good, well I have some great news, you're being discharged today...Have you anyone to pick you up? Or shall I call you a cab??" She offered.

We're still in Switzerland...does my mum even know i'm in Hospital?

"Uh no we're fine thanks" Rosie answered for me, understanding I have no clue what we're gonna be doing after this...how do we even go back? The school left yesterday!

"Your mum's sorted that out..." Rosie answered my thoughts again, smirking at me when I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

She really is a great best-friend...everyone needs a Rosie in they're lives! I'm so lucky to have her, I know she'll help me decide what the best thing to do about this is...because I really can't decide on my own.

A/N -

• That's it:D How was it?? Worth the wait or not?:/

• I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense...feel free to ask any questions or point out any mistakes!



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