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On time again!:D

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Hope you enjoy this chapter too!

Chapter 27


Hazel's POV


I awoke to the soothing sound of breathing in my ear, hot air flustering down my neck when he breathed. I awoke to Ash.

My lips curled into a smile and all I could think about was months ago, seeing Kyle and Rosie together and wondering if i'd eve feel it, and guess what, I am.

Still smiling I turned over, curling into Ash as he stirred in his sleep, but he remained breathing steady with his arms wrapped around my back.

'This is so odd' I told myself. If someone had told me a year ago that I'd be snuggled up with Ash, in a hospital, in Switzerland!! I definitely would have laughed in their face and walked off.

"Hazelnut" I heard someone whisper. Being in a good mood I couldn't stop my giggle escaping my lips.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Are you awake?" He asked, still whispering. I sat up, slowly making sure I don't disturb Ash and rubbed my eyes, adjusting them to the light.

"No. I'm fast asleep" I answered, sarcastically.

"Whatever" He shook, before randomly laughing.

"What?" I asked

"Hazelnut" He carried on laughing.

"Oh jee" I sighed and got out of bed.

"So i'm guessing Ash has no serious injuries then" He said, "Other we'd know by now?"

"Yep, Lucky this time around" I replied.

"Hah, bout time too" He joked. Rightly though, not like we've have much luck recently.

"Good morning Ash, and ho-" A nurse burst in, starting to greet Ash before stopping mid sentence when she saw him asleep.

"Oh my" She laughed to herself, "Teenage boys ey" She said to me winking as she checked the machines.

"Have you got some news?" I asked.

"Umm..." She thought for a few seconds before realising. She seems like a great nurse...

"Oh! Yes, luckily he escaped any major injuries, although his right shin bone is slightly wonky" She explained, "All we'll need to do it bandage him up and then we can send him on his way" She said, smiling sweetly and she whipped out some bandage material from the cupboard.

"Ash? Wake up love" She said, wanting to just get his leg sorted and get him out.

By now Rosie had woken up and Kyle told her about the news as the nurse got on with the bandage.

"OUR FLIGHT" Rosie suddenly shouted, "Crap!"

How could we forget!?

"Well we can't leave Ash here!!" I objected.

"Never thought i'd hear you say that" He replied.

"Shut up" I smiled and carried on panicking about getting home.

"Oh wait!" Kyle said, "I remember seeing a sign in the airport, passengers fly free if their transferring from hospitals" He stated, rather excitedly.

All 4 of us sighed a sigh of relief, turning our stare the lovely nurse who was tidying her things away.

"What'cha looking at me for??" She questioned in an innocent voice.

I pulled the typical 'puppy dog eyes' and whined "Pleassseee" Hoping she'll agree to sort us out a free flight back for Ash, since he's the only one without a ticket.

"You 4 are extremely lucky i'm too nice a person to say no" She gave in and began to fill out a form.

"Thank you!" I squealed and jumped in glee.

"Well that's that sorted then" Kyle swiped his hands together and sat back down.

"Uh, no!" Rosie stopped him, dragging him back up to his feet.

"We gotta go back and get all our stuff!" She exclaimed, rushing now we only have 3 hours, 1 technically because we have to be there 2 hours before the flight.

"Ahh mann" He moaned and headed the door.

"Won't be long" I told Ash, placing a wuick kiss on his forehead and rushing to catch up with the others.

"Oh and don't worry about getting to the airport! I'll arrange an ambulance for Ash" She winked and let us leave.

"Thank you!" I yelled back from down the corridors.

Never had to do so much in just an hour. But then i've never had so much drama in like what, 3 weeks? Everything's happened so fast i've lost count of what day we're on, let alone how long we've been here.

After a fast walk to out hotel, we were relieved we never brought much in the first place as it meant we didn't have much to pack.

10 minutes later we were out the hotel and back on the way to the hospital.

"Ready to go?" The same nurse asked in her usual chirpy voice, wheeling Ash through the double doors in a wheel chair.

"Yeah!" I replied, excited to be heading home finally, I just want my bed!

"Lets go then" She smiled and signalled for the ambulance which reversed up.

In less than a day we'll be home, I can finally tell my mum the good news! Actually, I wonder why she never called?

A/N -

Okay, so I know this chapter was bit long and boring but I had to get it out the way, the next one is more exciting so make sure you read it!!



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