....a smile??

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Thank you so much for all of the votes!:D

Really want to know what you think of this, so please comment!



Rosie's POV


Waking up to a 'good morning' text from someone who makes you smile all the time - That's the best feeling in the world. I don't really know how this hole thing happened to be honest, it just sort of, happened. I never would have thought someone like Kyle would stick up for me, against someone like Ash, but i'm glad he did. I just hope he doesn't turn out like Ash, that would kill me.

I was Saturday today so I was up getting ready to meet Hazel. We're going shopping for the Skiing trip coming up! I am so excited for it!!

My phone started to ring so I hoped of the bed and reached for my phone, answering it quickly.


"ROSIE SOME KIDS ON A SKI TRIP DIED!!" So, i'm guessing Hazel's listened to the radio.

"Oh shit! How?"

"Their coach crashed into some rocks and they were all crushed" She explained. I could just imagine her face scrunching up as she said 'crushed'.

"Eww, nice" I shook my head to get rid of the image. "We'll be fine then, lightning doesn't strike twice remember?"

"Yeah true. Anyway, you ready??" She changed the subject quickly.

"Yeah sure, come over now?" I knew the answer.

"YEAH I'M ON MY WAYY" She squealed down the phone, before I could even say goodbye she was gone. I have no doubt she'll be here in 10 minutes, max!

The second I put down my phone, it started to ring again. I laughed at the timing but answered it.

"Hey babe" Kyle's morning voice rumbled down the phone, curling my lips into an instant smile.

"Hey, you're up early" I teased, it was 10am but that's still early for a 17 year old boy...right?

"Well, I had to make sure my girl has a good day, and that would only happen if I started it"

"Awww, well then thank you" It's insane how happy I am, I hope this lasts.

"Okay then, Night"

"Wait, what?" I laughed, "Night? It's the morning..."

"It's like midnight still, I need more sleep" He moaned, I could hear noise in the background so i'm guessing he slid back under the covers.

"Oh wow. Night then" I settled, not gonna argue...

"Night" And with that I hung up.

He's weird. But that's why I like him.

Hazel's POV


I got to Rosie's and was just turning up the drive when I heard some rustling in the bushes, odd. I walked over and heard breathing.

"What the hell" I stepped back, is it like a robber or-

"ASH!" He popped his out round the edge and looked directly at me.

"What the hell!?" I didn't want to shout, Rosie would hear and that wouldn't end well, so I just said it, loudly.

"Just shut up okay. Go away" He scowled, not moving from his spot in the bush.

I didn't leave. I stood up straight, crossed my arms over my chest and spoke.

"Why are you in the bush Ash" I demanded an answer.

"None of your business"

"Tell me, or i'll tell someone else." I wasn't kidding. I'd call, the police, or something?

"Ash, who is it??" I heard another voice whisper from behind him...a girls voice!

"Oh my god! Ash, you're the worst" I sighed, in shock.

He's in the bush with a girl, and not just any girl - Rosie's ex best friend.

"Yes I know. That's who I am okay, you know that" He spat, getting defensive.

"Erica get out the bush you skank and go home"

She crawled out and stood up, rearranged her hair and wiggled her skirt down, brushing of the leaves. She glared at me evilly before strutting off down the road. When I turned back to face Ash, he was stood now too, but was looking full of shame.

"Look before you say anything, I didn't want to" He sighed.

"What? You didn't mean to find Erica, and go into a bush? What...you just happened to fall into Rosie's bush with her ex best friend?? Wow. That's weird how that happened isn't it"

He furrowed his eyebrows at me and huffed again.

"Just forget it, you don't understand"

"No. I don't understand, that's the problem. Why do you do this Ash?"

I know i'm sounding soft now...but he started it! Plus, I am curious, I wanna know why he's so heartless.

"I said you WON'T get it!" He shouted and stormed off before I could respond.

It's like he's trying to hind something, the way his eyes are just empty, he wouldn't look at me, just everywhere else. Actually, thinking about it, he's never looked directly at me...Wait! Why do I care? It's not like I want him to look at me.

I shook the thoughts out if my head and walked up to Rosie's door, before I even knocked on it she opened it. Hate it when she does that.

"Lets go Ski shopping!!" She squealed and we danced down her drive.

No way in high hell was I going to tell her about Ash and Erica. No way.


We spent most the morning shopping but I had to get home because mum was coming home, finally!

So we walked back to hers, said goodbye and walked back to mine.

I unpacked all my stuff and folded the clothes into my suitcase. Just as I was done I heard the front door open.

"Mum!" I yelled, running down the stairs to greet her, she had a huge smile on her face and wrapped her arms right around me, squeezing me tight.

We went out to lunch, she told me about her new job and I told her about school, not that there was much say.

Just as we left I saw Ash, walking really slowly along the path, he was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he looked cold? Hang on, I don't care.

Suddenly I realised that I was staring at him, when he looked up at me, I still wasn't able to take my eyes off him.

He looked straight into my eyes and his lips formed...a smile!? I quickly looked down to the floor and hurried my pace to catch up with my mum.

That was so weird...what even was that?

A/N -

It was a bit long but I tried to keep it interesting;)

Do you think that smile meant something??

Find out in the next update:P


~ Tilly xoxo

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