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Why is everything so cold?

How long has it been?

Am I dead yet?

Oh wait never mind I remember.

Who else would it be?

Its all because of him.

   24 hours earlier

"Bad, bad girl Y/N..."

You had tried escaping again. You really didn't like being here. The stench of slowly decaying flesh infiltrating your nostrils almost gagging on the revolting smell. It isn't pleasant, not even in the slightest. 

" You should know by now to not do that... or else."

His voice... all you could hear over his voice was your heart beating like a train pounding down the tracks. After everything you had previously experienced this was by far the worst. All you can feel is the icy sting of the chains on your freed ankles reminding you of who stole you.

" Why were you trying to leave hmm?" His voice clear as a bell.

"You think I like being here? Not only did you steal me from my family, but you keep me chained up in this fucking subzero basement never letting me leave this damned house and yet you still wonder why I want to leave? Plus-"

Before you could say anything else he harshly shoved you to the near wall making sure you couldn't wriggle out of his grasp.

" I've had enough of this attitude of yours!"

Dragging you by your wrist he brought you to your worst nightmare. 


That's how you got to your current situation. Alone, in a frosty basement on a even worse table. Scared for your life. Suddenly reminding yourself to never talk back to Jimin ever again. You'd regret it. You knew it would be a while until Jimin would forgive you after this. Now your praying, just praying that someone anyone would come down and find you and talk to you. However, once that thought left your head you instantly regretted it seeing who was coming down the stairs.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short. Just know that there will be more on the way very very soon! Until then you're gonna have to deal with this. Bye Bye :3

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